“A certain habit” that “a person without weight and power in words” unconsciously pronounces Daily habits of a person with high verbalization capacity | PRESIDENTE Online (President Online)


Online communication requires the ability to speak in your own words, in a logical way that is easy to understand and difficult to say. What is the difference between a person who has power and weight in words and can firmly convey it to the other person? What is the method to improve verbalization skills recommended by communication instructor Mai Kuwano?

* This article is a republished version of Mai Kuwano’s “How to Talk to Trusted and Liked People Online” (Cross Media Publishing).

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What is the difference between “people who have power in words”

Is there anyone around you who thinks that “words have energy”?

One of the characteristics of people who have excellent verbalization skills is that they have energy in words. So what type of person is specifically referring to a person who has energy in words?

I think there are many answers, but I often feel the energy of the words “people who can speak in their own words.”

If you dig deeper, those who can speak in their own words confidently use some kind of “assertive” expression. It is not a phrase that denies the other person with a tense tone or that decides things from above.

In any case, from the first voice, “I like / dislike” and “I agree / disagree with Plan A” with my own clear answer, and saying it in public means that you can do it.

Isn’t it a habit to say “it doesn’t matter which one”?

Actually, clearly nothing is necessary in black and white, but in society, gray areas may be necessary. I myself don’t create many gray areas for myself,Of course, we do not force others to be black and white. However, the meaning of the gray area differs a lot depending on whether it is a gray area that you have thought about and selected, or if you have escaped having your own opinion and have become a gray area.

The moment we live every day and think “it doesn’t matter which” or “it doesn’t matter”, our thinking stops and there is no need to verbalize it.

As a result, his verbalization skills are not refined and his forceful words are lost.
