The sadness of Mr. Yukio Okamoto at the obituary … Mr. Isao Harimoto “I thought so” -Sponichi Annex


  1. Mr. Yukio Okamoto Sadness to the obituary … Mr. Isao Harimoto “I thought so” Sponichi Annex
  2. Former Prime Minister Koizumi “While Younger Than Me” FNN Prime Online in memory of Yukio Okamoto
  3. Mr. Kan “Deep respect for the achievements made so far” Yukio Okamoto died (Sankei Shimbun) Yahoo! News
  4. Former Prime Minister Yukio Okamoto dies, infected with a new crown (05/20/08) ANNnewsCH
  5. Yukio Okamoto Sad death voice FNN prime online due to new crown infection
  6. See all articles in Google News