Akihiro Nishino (40) from King Kong, a comedian duo who ended the management contract with Yoshimoto Kogyo on the 30th, dropped Yoshimoto Kogyo at the “Akihiro Nishino Entertainment Institute” of the “Voicy” online on the 31st. a broadcast titled “Feelings.”

“Today, I think what you are interested in is ‘Nishino, Yoshimoto Kogyo has resigned, but what is happening?’. Today I will speak honestly. Maybe I have a negative image. Past There was a negative exit from the company, and I cannot help think that “.

And, “At those times, the news on the net is speculative, and I do not write it as fact. For example, in this case,” Nishino broke into the office and resigned “or” The office went to Nishino There are some speculative articles in the market, such as “I have declared the dismissal”. First of all, I would like to tell you that there is no conflict between Yoshimoto Kogyo and me, “he emphasized.

“Of course, sometimes I’m interrupted by the office or the manager. I get angry when I do fun work because the client has entrusted me with time and money. I’m sorry it wasn’t good this time. What I’m doing is posting LINE with him manager on SNS right now. That said, I’ve been posting it before (laughs). I’m also posted for staff right now. If you do, I think some people will remove it and think it’s the direct cause, and as a medium communication you want to burn, it will be “Give me”, so both morally and in a timely manner, I do not think it should have been shut down, “he said.