LINE will provide a backup system for the new corona vaccination – Keitai Watch


LINE will provide a new corona vaccination reserve system using LINE for the vaccination of new coronavirus infections to be carried out in cities, towns and villages across the country with the cooperation of the prefectures under the direction of the national government.

LINE Official Demo Screen

With the recent announcement from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare about the inoculation system for the new coronavirus vaccine, preparations for inoculation are currently being made in each local government nationwide. In this preparation, there are concerns about various problems in the construction of the system until the start of the vaccination and the formulation of the vaccination implementation method, such as the difficulty in making inoculation reservations due to the difficulty in connecting to the telephone and the lack of resources in the call center that responds to reservations and inquiries.

In this context, LINE will provide a system that will allow residents to complete vaccination reservations with the “LINE” communication app.

Specific specifications and load reduction

The specific specifications differ depending on the local government and the developer company, but you can reserve or change the vaccination place, date and time, etc., by entering the vaccination ticket number, etc., notified by the local government through the official local government LINE account.

Access to new information related to coronavirus and vaccines and chatbots will also allow you to answer frequently asked questions from the account. By introducing this in combination with a call center etc., residents will be able to make and manage reservations 24 hours a day, anywhere from the smartphone app they are used to.

Currently, around 100 local governments across the country, including Samukawa City in Kanagawa Prefecture and Kinokawa City in Wakayama Prefecture, have already decided and are considering introducing a new corona vaccination reserve system that uses This line.

LINE will support not only systems using the communication application “LINE”, but also telephone support with LINE’s AI solution “LINE CLOVA”.

The LINE “LINE” voice response service is prepared in case of a shortage of resources on site when there is a large number of phone calls, or when residents say “I am too busy to make a call on time” or “No I can make a call even if I make a call. ” You can automate phone calls with AiCall. This makes it possible to receive calls 24 hours a day and handle a large number of calls at the same time.

Furthermore, three stages of automation are conceivable: reservation of the vaccination date, reminder of the day before the reservation, and follow-up after vaccination. In particular, in post-vaccination follow-up, it is possible to automatically call subjects by category, such as vaccination and age group.

In addition, the system that uses “LINE” aims to make a reservation flow that meets the needs of each local government, reduces the burden of staff and is convenient for residents.

For example, in the case of residents directly entering the ticket number of the inoculation ticket directly, it pointed to the possibility of incorrect entry and the possibility of confirmation work by local government officials. For such points, LINE’s “CLOVA OCR” character recognition technology prevents mis-entry and reduces the burden on staff.

By supporting character extraction, in addition to improving work efficiency, it is possible to check whether the vaccination ticket can be used and convert the handwritten characters entered in the pre-examination table into data.

The “LINE eKYC” online identity verification will also be used to support reception at the vaccination site. By confirming the identity before arriving at the vaccination site, the vaccination can be accepted on the spot with simpler confirmation work such as reading the vaccination ticket with the application. As a result, the time and effort required to verify identity can be simplified by presenting an identification card.

These measures are expected to have the effect of reducing waiting time at the inoculation site and the number of staff members who respond and, as a result, preventing the “dense” state.

Assumed flow of vaccination
