7 prefectures to cancel license applications and 20 prefectures to relax (3:00 pm on the 11th) New Corona-NHK NEWS WEBSITE


  1. 7 prefectures to cancel license applications, 20 prefectures to relax (3:00 pm on the 11th) Nueva Corona NHK NEWS WEB
  2. Fukuoka Prefecture will partially alleviate closure requests. Efforts to expand the food and beverage business to reopen the prefectural school (West Japan Shimbun) Yahoo! News
  3. Fukuoka Prefecture will partially relax vacation requests Reopening of cultural facilities before launch of “Specific Warning” New crown auone.jp
  4. Request for suspension of work, uniform relaxation policy within Fukuoka prefecture
  5. Aichi is moving to its own standards to facilitate license applications, and Fukuoka is also considering its own standards (Kyodo News) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News