Shinji Mizushima (81), a manga artist who gained popularity for his baseball manga “Dokaben” and “Baseball Mad Poetry”, announced his retirement through his office on the 1st. There are many fans across a wide range of generations, from professionals to children, both inside and outside the world of the ball, and their influence is enormous. The final work was the full reading of “Abu-san” announced in August 2018. Since his debut in 1983, his 63 years of writing have turned into a “game”, but he has not revealed the exact reason for his decision.
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▼ Mr. Taku Egawa (Friendship with Mr. Mizushima since high school and university) “When I was in Hodai, my teacher installed a television antenna about 30 meters high for me in my garden in Koganei. To record the broadcasts from 6 universities that were broadcast only by UHF stations, after the game with the Hakata receiver (Hidetoshi), I visited the teacher’s house and watched the video of the day’s game while watching the “brainstorming meeting.” games. I still think that my 47 victories in college are due to this antenna in the teacher’s house. When I participated in Koshien when I was in Sakushin Gakuin, I also remember that the teacher came to the dormitory and played a ball. He was a fan of Nankai who didn’t say. They often told her to come to Hawks. “