20th Anniversary of the Anime “The Prince of Tennis”, Animation Production Hyotei vs Rikkai (Comment) -Natalie


  1. 20th anniversary of “Prince of Tennis” anime, Hyotei vs Rikkai Draw anime production (Comment) Natalie
  2. Free exclusive delivery of “Prince of Tennis” volumes 1 to 27 for a limited time Seigaku vs. Rikkai, who won the fierce battle? Animage Plus
  3. Hyotei vs. Rikkai, a new job representing the direct confrontation of dreams “New Prince of Tennis” production decision Anime hack
  4. Volumes 1 to 27 of “Prince of Tennis” are released for free, including the finals of the Kanto Natalie tournament
  5. Free limited-time delivery of “Prince of Tennis”, Volume 1-27 on BookLive!
  6. See all articles in Google News