Jaguar’s latest electric race car only drives in ‘Gran Turismo’

“The Vision GT SV is a dramatic and visually arresting car that shows what is possible when the traditional boundaries governing real world car design are completely removed. Bringing this car to life with a full-size design study, we have been able to showcase a very extreme version of the electric Jaguar race car that is inspired by the past, but fearlessly looks to the future. “

Within the game, the Vision GT SV will be powered by four electric motors instead of three like its predecessor. Those motors will allow it to generate 1,877 hp, go from 0 to 60mph in just 1.65 seconds and reach a maximum speed of 255mph. The top speed of the coupe is 200mph. The aerodynamic features of the Vision GT SV will also help achieve those numbers. Jaguar says the most effective Aero feature developed for the model is its stirred rear wing, which is inspired by the brand’s endurance racing car. The rear wing has two movement sections that automatically increase to increase the downforce for more traction and go down to reduce pulling.

Unfortunately, Jaguar did not say exactly what sport Virtual Endurance Racer is for, only that it will arrive in 2021. It can come Gran Turismo 7, Which is expected to be released for the PS5 next year, but we’ll have to wait for confirmation from the developer of The Tommaker and GT for sure.