It’s still American nationalism vs. globalism

The Democrats will surely stage an impressive extravaganza this week, full of Hollywood glitz and showmanship. But a glance behind the curtain of this “Wizard of Oz” convention exposes a corrupt and vulnerable man who claims to be not. Joe Biden will drone over about his concerns for regular people, but his record and his policy agenda revealed just the opposite. In many ways, 2020 will replicate the 2016 game, by punching Donald Trump’s vision of nationalism and sovereignty vs. Biden’s embrace of globalism and subsequent capabilities for China.

Yes, the 2020 Democrats and their standard-bearers emboldened and are trying to legitimize the most extreme leftist elements of American politics. Earlier foreign positions such as banning fracking and confiscation of firearms have suddenly become sacrosanct for Biden-Harris Democrats. But beneath that clearly palpable problem remains an obscure even more elemental threat: the designs of globalist power-makers of American big business and big governments. These elites of gigantic multinational corporations and the permanent political class clearly embrace a potential Biden-Harris presidency as their chance to undermine the America First agenda and turn the clock back to the globalist era.

Indeed, these elites can tolerate the rise of radicals as long as the greater globalist political recovery succeeds, through Biden and Harris in the White House. The primary goal for these titans, largely from Big Tech and Wall Street, is to reaffirm the decades-long pre-Trump policy of begging for China. These corporations may have US headquarters, but they like to discredit patriotism, and even any concern for human rights, to get a cheap flow of goods from Chinese supply lines and access China’s domestic markets through partnership with the Chinese state-run companies. But President Trump stands in the way when he confronts the Beijing government, demanding honesty and reciprocity in trade. He even more strongly exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s abuse of power, both internally and internally against the world, especially regarding the CCP’s abuse that literally infected the world with the Wuhan virus.

Unlike Trump, the globalist intelligentsia knows that Biden will make its offer and bring America back to a posture for 2016 vs. the world, and especially China. After all, Biden spent much of his half-century career in the swamp in Washington, D.C., allowing him to facilitate the export of American jobs abroad, mostly from places like Sheboygan, Wis., To places like Shanghai. For example, doe-Sen. Joe Biden strongly advocated the inclusion of Communist China in the World Trade Organization on terms that were very favorable to Beijing in 2001. In the following decades, the United States lost 3.2 million jobs to China, 2.4 million of which in production, per an Economic Policy Institute study. In love with this economic massacre, as Vice President, Joe Biden had the temerity to declare in a 2011 speech that “an emerging China is a positive, positive development, not only for China, but for America.” When Biden declared that Pollyanna was nonsense to his fanos of Davos-affiliated CEO, the industrial heartbeat of America’s resistance was destroyed.

The same captains of the industry also accuse a whole range of cheap labor. As such, they fulfill Biden’s promise to extend U.S. tax-paid health care to all migrants who choose on their own terms to effectively break in and enter the United States. Biden’s borderline approach is so extreme that it promises tens of millions of illegal migrants full citizenship. Combined with the call of mate Kamala Harris to decriminalize the act of transgression in our country, what might stop someone from entering our nation in their spare time? But again, the globalist elite welcomes this de facto fluidity of the borders of our country. After all, only “deplorables” have to suffer the consequences of a sudden full labor market in trade, plus the devastation of completely prevented crime arising from some segments of the illegal population.

Plutocrats who want to send America back to globalism see an ally with a reliable track record in Biden. The slow-growing Obama-Biden economic recovery was a blow to workers who saw their wages lost and their costs go up. But those two terms were halcyon days for the elites, as the already successful owners of wealth appeared as never before, with a massive and more extensive wealth differentiation.

Consider, for example, that in the eight years of Biden’s vice presidency, only the top 10% of earners saw their net worth of households. The bottom 90% of American strikers, the forgotten men and women, all lost wealth. In stark contrast to the “Lunch Bucket Joe” media media corporation, Biden’s real record reveals a dedicated Delaware corporate who, when he was in power, increased economic inequality in our country. . Minorities suffer the most. According to Federal Reserve data, during Biden’s two terms, median black households lost a whopping 30% of their net worth. Although part of that loss resulted from the economic crisis of the 2008-09 credit crunch, the wider gap between white and black households continued until the end of Biden’s second term.

In contrast, a Washington Post analysis found that in the first three years of Trump’s presidency, before COVID-19 halted global growth, of the 5.2 million jobs created in America, a staggering 4, 5 million of them to minorities. That job growth also produced wage acceleration that most benefited from previously low-income groups because black wage growth was more than whites; the rate of blue-collar workers above the work of white-collar workers; and non-colleges perform better than those with degrees.

The choice for November is clear. American aspirants will reflect the false “wizard” Biden and his globalist priorities, and re-apply to the Trump principles of economic nationalism, American sovereignty, and the proliferation of power.

Steve Cortes is a RealClearPolitics Fellow and Senior Strategy Advisor for the Trump 2020 Campaign.
