Video is now insane on social media and it’s silly and stubborn not to realize it. The Collettivo Femin – Cosentine in fight published it. One of its delegations last spring had gone as a delegation to Giuseppe Zuccatelli, then acting commissioner (also) of the ASP of Cosenza, to request the reopening of the closed clinics for the Covid emergency. Promising the prompt reopening, the current Calabrian super commissioner of Health has given his lesson on hygiene, prophylaxis and control of epidemics: “Masks are not good for shit… Do you know what it takes to control the virus? Distance”.
And he repeats it, shouting it even louder: “DISTANCE.” Then to come up with a song that even Erika Jong in “Fear of Flying”: “But do you know what you have to do to get the virus? You have to stay with me for fifteen minutes and kiss me with your tongue on my mouth or you won’t get caught. The drops of saliva should reach you for at least 15-20 minutes ”.
Now the fact that Zuccatelli tests positive for the virus and is quarantined at his home in Cesena, would lead to a daring syllogism, which the Super Commissioner in relatively recent times gave rise to the lingual interpretation so effectively pleaded before a small and perhaps considered competent public, due to outdated but harsh stereotypes. But apart from this, it is clear that videos, films and social media posts do not favor Calabrian health managers. The examples now are numerous and all are more amusing, or tragic, it depends, than the previous ones.
In his justification, Zuccatelli was able to invoke the imperfect knowledge, last March, of the mechanisms of transmission of the virus and especially about the scientifically proven usefulness of the use of masks. But this urge to kiss for fifteen minutes in order to catch it, frankly, would lead to the complete failure of any medical student to the hygiene test.
Since then, a lot of water has run under the bridge. Now, We are convinced that the new Commissioner, appointed last night by the Council of Ministers, is perfectly aware of the viral dynamics, even from direct experience. The truth is that the alluvium has already been raised by all the exponents of the center right who have decided to comment on the event: Wanda Ferro, Gianluca Gallo, Fausto Orsomarso. We await the voice of Nino Spirlì, summoned to a dead father, when everything was already decided, adding insult to the alleged damage, according to current opinion at those points of the political spectrum. In the light of what became known only a few minutes later, the recommendations that Dominico Tallini made to the Spirlì who was leaving are clear: “Do not accept names that have already passed through Calabria and are not included in the grid of experts from which to draw to choose health managers “.
Apart from any other consideration, even these vestiges of public life tell us how much reality now exceeds fantasy, how much the background matters more than what is offered on stage, how much real time now exceeds the political clock. Even yesterday’s Regional Council, although convened with extreme urgency, was already out of date at the time of its creation. Words in the wind, one could say, movements that do not move anything, if not the viral particles that are in the air and that, threatening, conquer ground even in Calabria.