I resigned as commissioner ad acta of health of the Calabria region. Weather in Zuccatelli He confirms the news by phone and goes further: the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, asked me, and as I had anticipated during the interview with Buongiorno Regione, I have resigned. Adding: I made a mistake and right to you to pay. I hope anyone who has done or said nonsense in the past will do the same. They appointed me commissioner, but they have not yet notified me of the decree, so I cannot fulfill my duties, he said a few hours before the interview with Speranza. Fatal for the commissioner were his words about the uselessness of the masks pronounced a few months ago. He is the second Calabrian health manager to jump, after his predecessor Cotticelli was expelled a few days ago, totally unaware of having to draw up a plan to deal with Covid.
The hypothesis: Gino Strada or Eugenio Gaudio
The surrender of Zuccatelli reopens the appointment waltz at the top of Calabrian healthcare. Yesterday, the founder of Emergency Gino Strada, initially designated by the government as Zuccatelli’s successor, had reiterated his availability but the government did not call me, no one had added bitterly. Words that had hinted at a decline in his candidacy. Matteo Renzi, in a post on Facebook sponsored the appointment of the Milanese doctor: a real man. A real doctor. A true Italian. When I met him he moved me. If you are really willing to be a commissioner in Calabria, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health can only do one thing to remedy the Cotticelli / Zuccatelli mess: today sign the appointment of Gino Strada as Commissioner of Health in Calabria, accompanying him physically. in Catanzaro. In the last hours the candidacy of Eugenio Gaudio, from Calabria and until a few weeks ago rector of the Sapienza University of Rome, has also been gaining ground.
November 16, 2020 (change November 16, 2020 | 15:17)