Pd Secretary Nicola Zingaretti focuses on the school to rebuild post-covid society. A different society than before the pandemic.
During the live video conference ‘School first‘organized by the Democratic Party, Secretary Nicola Zingaretti lays the groundwork for the restart of the school after the covid: “Oh, to think about having the objective of returning to Italy before Covid. That is an Italy that we do not like, with too much inequality. We need another national system, another development model, and we want to build it by putting the school first.“.
According to Zingaretti, we need a “Renaissance“. That is why Zingaretti says:” We must transform the period of exit from the pandemic into the moment of the rebirth of democracy. Knowing that it is not a slogan, because we have more tools, such as Next Generation Eu“, Or the Recovery Fund.
Secretary Dem then commented that “in Italy after the Covid – said Zingaretti, access to training, free access, must be a universal right. It is an investment in people and especially in Italy ”.
According to Zingaretti we have to think “Where to take the obligation, from kindergarten to 18, let’s think, about this there is a debate“.
In addition, Zingaretti invited to discuss and make proposals on other topics: “how many students to have in classes to have a decent education; how much to invest in teachers; an advanced balance between places of knowledge. The answers to these questions must be built together and the digital tool