Time for negotiations, hot phone calls and calculations with the abacus is practically expired: in a few hours the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will speak with Montecitorio after the break with Matteo renzi, now considered incurable by the premier himself, by the 5 stars and by a part of the Democratic Party. In spite of Nicola Zingaretti made one last appeal to the “democratic, liberal and pro-European forces“Unite” to save the country “, the figures especially in the Senate seem to guarantee, at least for now, a relative majority which is enough to keep the government in place but not to solve the problems. The Giallorossi bridges have been busy until the end looking for the “builders” patrol that can give stability to the executive. “We make a call to the light from the sun, “said the leader of the Democratic Party,” and we have the duty, not the right, to go to Parliament to ask for trust“The bold tones of his speech in Address dem however, they have more nuances when it is broadcast on Canale 5: “Open door to Renzi? He have achive a mistake and the door is open to people who want to give hope to the country and vote for it trust the government“.
Renzi’s double strategy – The option that the Renzianos can reverse, however, for the moment seems the most unlikely: “Our 18 senators do not feed controversy with the government. To a government that says these things we do not vote for trust. We have given our willingness to vote on dl soft drinks and diversion ”, nothing more, said the leader of IV a. Half an hour more on Rai3. But then he defined himself “a patriotAnd he denied having problems with Conte, denying allegations about the “democratic vulnus” released live just four days ago. His tactic is twofold: on the one hand flirting with a part of the dem, on the other playing fear numbers. Already in an interview with Messenger Service tried to break through the Democratic front: if someone, says, “in the Democratic Party prefers Mastella in Bellanova or Di Battista in Rosato will let us know. We want a coalition government to be formed with a fundamental role of the Democratic Party and for its representatives. “The Democratic Party knows, according to Renzi,” that without Italy it lives there are no numbers. Maybe it’s not love anymore, but at least it is mathematics“. Italia Viva’s mantra is to move the bar to fee 161 for the majority – when in fact, for confidence, it is enough for the Yes to overcome the No – and they repeat that Conte will not achieve it: “The numbers there is no. The sooner they recognize it, the sooner we can start building the future ”, he also reiterates. Maria Elena Boschi.
More souls in the Pd – Words that feed the hopes of that part of the Pd parliamentarians who seem to row against their own government. In fact, there is within the party many souls, starting with the leader of the group in the Senate and the former Renzi Andrea Marcucci. But Zingaretti tried to dispel the hypothesis of returning to the dialogue with the Renzians: “One thing is increase, renew, change, open up and question, it’s another thing to destroyThey have a liquidation approach. If you do not respect the opinions of others, presuming to consider only yours, then trust and opportunity to work together“. The words of his right arm and main bridge of these hours are also significant, Goffredo Bettini. In his opinion, the space of a concrete confrontation and serene with Italy Long Live “It was great” but Matteo renzi “I wanted to disconnect, push Italy to a crisis in the dark“.” Not only because of his character, but because of a political design of breaking of the alliance between Leu, 5 Stars and Pd “.
The Abacus – The problem for the Conte government continues to be the numbers: despite initial optimism, for now the group of “builders” that must refer to the new formation Maie-Italia23 and centrists it did not attract enough MPs to ensure stability for a would-be Earl. Saturday theUdc, whose senators have repeatedly shown their willingness to collaborate, paraded closing any dialogue. Action me + Europe opened after Zingaretti’s appeal, but it remains for them One condition: “We are ready to discuss this, but certainly not the continuation of an executive led by Conte, who came to finished“. The Psi of Riccardo nenciniOn the other hand, that in the Palazzo Madama with its symbol allowed the Renzians to form an autonomous group, after its yes to most of the last days it remains on the verge of ambiguity. “Form an organic majority within a certain political framework, without imagining lucky solutions ”, is the line dictated by the secretariat of his party. But the game, net of surprises that could occur in the courtroom, is not over yet. For Palazzo Chigi at this time the goal is to have one more vote and advance the construction of a solid majority. After a summit of more than one hour between the group leaders of Pd, M5s and Leu, the prime minister and the minister of relations with the parliament Federico D’Incà, the password remains the same: “Maximum confidentiality“.
At the end of the day, the undersecretary dem Andrea Orlando boasts of security: “We work because the attempt to make leave the government be frustrated. We are convinced that we will do itHe writes on Facebook. The hope is that in the end even some parliamentarians from Alive italy. The minister Francesco Boccia, interviewed in What’s the weather like on Tai3, it was clear: “They were chosen with the Pd, I hope you want to respect the will of that electorate. I appeal to all elected members of the Democratic Party of vote with the Democratic PartyHe says, but without putting his weight in the result of the vote of confidence. “Most will be there, relative or not, I’ll say numbers“But if Chamber IV shows cracks – then Vito De Filippo Besides Michela rostan announces that he will vote by confidence: Matteo Renzi’s group is currently at Palazzo Madama. To compact it there is also the decision not to vote against trust in the Chamber, but to defend abstention.
The objective of the crisis (and a possible outcome): To get what? What appears to be the ultimate goal of Iv’s leader emerges between the lines during his interview with It’s not the sand in La7. “It would be a Okay for the country if, instead of looking for those responsible, all together we made a reform project, all, from Conte to Salvini, from Berlusconi to Di Maio. It is not a government, but the rules of the game are written together, ”he tells Giletti. The truth is that to work you need an executive in charge. Which? “The prime minister said that when I return from Italy I live in the majority, but we had I don’t veto on Conte ”, Renzi repeats like a mantra, denying that his prey is precisely the premier. However, it is certain that another majority in Parliament “It can be found“. And so Ettore Rosato back to the attack: “The problem is not Renzi but the prime minister method. It is not true that there are no problems and that we are the best in the world ”.
Why is there still so much bitterness? Bettini to Messenger Service explains that, as always, there are only political tactics involved: “The 5 stars have merged into pro-european camp. This is what annoyance too many. The alliance between Leu, Pd and 5 Stelle annoys. Conte annoyed, which of this alliance is the suitable. It bothers freedom of old and new powers. Annoys a stronger paper of the Old Continent “. Now more than ever for the premiere it is necessary that Pd, 5 stars and Free and Equal are compacted around its name. The pentastellati have also drawn the line of” no “to technical government, Renzi’s dream, excluding any alternative to the current chief executive. Is one more time Pier luigi bersani, with one of his metaphors, to clarify why: “Even if nobody wants elections, you can pulls a thread that the sweater goes down. Attention to the Conte question, there is an ungenerous and even unrealistic judgment. It is better than what has been reported in recent months. There is a point of balance, if you take it off I think the situation could go away out of control“So out of control that, without majority reinforcement, in the end we can actually ‘roll’ to the polls. The last word now belongs to Parliament.