Then, listened to by Ansa, Zaia seems to distance herself from her own opinion: “Only scientists can sequence the virus, see its DNA, understand if it turns out to be a ‘cut and sew’, have fragments of other viruses or be ‘authentic’. Our work is to take care of the health of citizens, which is not independent of the fact that information like this would provide answers to many questions, even of a clinical nature. “

Scientists’ doubts about the virus created in Wuhan’s laboratory: “There is no concrete evidence”
“I only answered one question from journalists, explains the governor, regarding the drastic drop in the infection. There is no doubt that the factors can be multiple, and the scientific community often disagrees on the causes: the change temperature, the natural tendency of coronaviruses, which come out in the spring / summer, the virus mutation, an artificial virus. “
“This hypothesis has not yet been tested, which is in the hands of the experts,” Zaia concluded.
Pregliasco: “It cannot be totally excluded, but there is no evidence”
The Adnkronos picked up a response to Zaia’s words upon hearing the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco: “Artificial origin or loss due to laboratory error cannot be totally excluded, but the data available to date tends towards a natural origin of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus.”
To date, Pregliasco notes, “however, no significant difference appears to be detected in the virus. Small differences are normal in RNA viruses.” What could have contributed to your possible loss of strength? “Right now there are objective facilitation meteorological conditions, which tell us that the spread is less,” concludes Pregliasco.