Luca zaia Live today, Tuesday, December 29, 2020, for all updates on the Coronavirus in Veneto, this is the announcement on the Facebook page of the president of Veneto, but at the set time, 12.30, the governor did not appear on the screen .
Zaia absent today
Luca Zaia absent From today’s live due to the earthquake that is felt today throughout the Northeast, the president was replaced by Councilor Manuela Lanzarote and Dr. Luciano Flor. It is the first time that the governor has not attended the live broadcast.
Councilor Bottacin gave live the latest news on the situation of the earthquake: «At 12.19 seismic shocks 50 km from Zagreb, intensity 6.2-6.4, yesterday there were 3 intense shocks, always in the same radius, in Veneto and Fvg no damage was recorded, but the shock was felt everywhere. We are available to go to Croatia to support our Civil Protection. The damage is significant in Croatia, we still do not know if there are victims or injuries, we are talking about an earthquake like the one in L’Aquila in a city of 23,000 inhabitants ”.
The burning issues in our region are many: they ignite the controversy over the data sent to Rome, the Democratic Party calls on the governor to clarify, but it is not Zaia’s only concern, this one, who is struggling with the management of the pandemic, of the plan of vaccination in its first phase, in close observation of the Venetian RT, the Covid transmissibility index, with the new infected and daily deaths. And above all the shadow of the orange zone looms, from which the Veneto could restart in January. Lazarin and Flor responded to the controversy today.
Luca Zaia: “Ten months of nightmare, but no system has managed to resist like us”
Direct today
Molecular swabs performed to date 3 million and more than 258 thousand, 1 million and 792 thousand rapid tests, total positive since the beginning of the 246089 pandemic, +2655 positive positive in the last 24 hours. Today 90365 currently positive. 3395 admissions today (+1 in 24 hours), in non-critical area 2,998 (-9) and in intensive care 397 (+10). Total victims 6298 (+191 in the last 24 hours).
Stable Covid curve
“The trend of the Covid curve is stable,” commented Commissioner Lanzarote, “we are waiting for the Ministry of new circular that clarifies some technical issues about interpretations and classifications. Today was the protocol with the pharmacies approved by the council to perform the swabs: adherence is voluntary by the pharmacies, no prescription is needed, adequate spaces must be prepared, health personnel are needed to perform the rapid antigenic swab, and they must enter the result within the regional portal . The vaccines have been postponed one day due to a problem with the arrival of doses due to bad weather.
the doctor luciano flor, Director General of Health of the Veneto Region. «Of the 397 patients in resuscitation, 366 are positive for the virus, in the non-critical areas of the 2998 hospitalized, 320 patients are negative. We strive to keep other areas of attention open, the effort is great ”, he emphasized.
Doubts about the Veneto numbers
The controversy over the mortality of Covid in Veneto. “The mortality data is evaluated on the population and on the number of patients – explained Dr. Flor – the number alone is not a safe figure. The data of a day is not an indicator, it must be related to hospitalized, sick, population, etc. The mortality figure in northern Italy is higher, for example, than in southern Italy. But Veneto’s mortality figure is quite in line with the other regions of Upper Italy. Our mortality data are in line with what happens in the other regions of northern Italy. ‘ The subject of intensive care and resuscitation beds: “I am willing to accompany those who want to come and show that we have more than 1000 resuscitation beds, monitors, ventilators, we have them in a physical place within hospitals, at this moment we are using 700 of them. In the disastrous hypothesis Activating the 1000 ICU beds would mean 6,000 COVID patients in total. We also know that we have a plan that requires us to reconvert the staff employed in other activities if this hypothesis arises. But for this hypothesis to occur we would have to double the number of patients current ».
Vaccinations in Veneto
“We are going to receive 38 thousand vaccinations a week, and the same number of people will be vaccinated – said Dr. Flor -. These doses are a crumb for Veneto, but at the end of January we will vaccinate all health personnel, guests and operators of the RSA, then, from mid-January, the retreat will begin for those who have been vaccinated in these days (the withdrawal is activated after 21 days from the first dose). At the end of January we will have about 180 thousand doses ».
Crisanti, the controversy
The condition of Veneto depends on yellow zone me insensitive rapid tests: the Dr. Crisanti Air shooting stated this on the broadcast. «Experts who say everything and the opposite of everything, we have seen it for months on television and not only – emphasized Flor -. The Veneto Region does not hide the numbers, the 20 thousand molecules that are manufactured per day are reported in 24-36 hours, much of which we “wasted” to validate the results of the quick swabs. Who speaks, speaks based on I do not know what: I believe that Crisanti should put his interpretation of the data in pencil on paper and make it known to the Region. “We in the 3 thousand positives a day, the vast majority are in the confirmation of quick swabs: we want to have few positives? So we don’t do quick swabs. What alternative would be, do the molecular swabs and wait for the reports 4-5 days? Stop making quick swabs? ». “The RSA has 30 thousand guests in Veneto, we can monitor the situation thanks to quick swabs, maximum respect for everyone’s opinions, but I would like certain statements to be written.” Yellow or orange Veneto area? “The classification of the regions will continue to follow the rules, I think the number of patients is still the most reliable indicator – remarked Flor -. We will see what will be the result of this period of suspension of the holidays, the regulation will be applied, the same one that has left us in the yellow zone all this time, and we will accept the result.
“The daily data on the swabs we have is made, which is different from the report,” the doctor explained. There are 20 thousand molecular swabs a day, we make 35 thousand rapid antigens a day, the positives that we find with these go to the counter-test with the molecular ones. Of the 2,655 positives today are derived from the molecular swab report, and we make 20,000, so we have 13%. The Regions have asked for the rapid and molecular swabs discourse to be definitively clarified – Commissioner Manuela Lanzarote finally intervened – and this with a circular to the Ministry, we are awaiting the answer, it seems that they are completing the circular that should definitively clarify the account ”.
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