First, we need to meet again: face to face, live. Transmission is a beautiful thing, look each other more in the eye. Second, when the economy falls by almost 10% and Brussels puts 209 billion on the plate, it is difficult to blame ugly and bad Europe, instead it is serious to sit down at the table and wonder how we can take full advantage of the opportunities looming on the horizon. Avoiding scams, of course, but without foreclosures of any kind. “Rinascita Italia. La Joven Esperanza” is the name of the second edition of the Escuela de Fino to demonstrate the opposite that will be held in Rome, with spacing and mask, from October 2 to 4. One hundred young people, between the ages of 18 and 32, will listen to the big names in politics and business discussing how to restart Italy, our homeland. The way to access European resources is not downhill, we need credible and verified projects, Europe asks us for reforms (public administration and justice, at the head). Will the government be able to carry out this task? We will ask the ministers who will participate, Enzo Amendola, the most informed about it, and then the woman who wants to build bridges and bike paths, Paola De Micheli, we will discuss with Francesco Boccia fifty years after the creation of the regions, we will welcome the minister. della Cultura Dario Franceschini called for managing the collapse of tourism. And then we will ask Deputy Minister of Economy Antonio Misiani, head of the delegation on the Green New Deal, about the most effective tools to accelerate the environmental transition towards a zero emissions world. We expect clarity on 5G and the Silk Road from Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Buffagni.
New possible – There will also be managers, men and women doing business, from Paris the number one of the Italian Energy Agency Fatih Birol will explain why he says “optimistic” about the future of clean energy in the world, Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri It will take on private pharmaceutical operators like Novartis who invest billions in research and innovation. Then the national coach Roberto Mancini will intervene, along with the European swimming champion Margherita Panziera, because never, as in recent months, have we been excited to see the flag in the windows. And the results of Enel, the world’s leading private producer of renewable energies, arouse pure Italian pride, as well as Snam’s leadership in developing a future hydrogen market, Tim’s primacy in next-generation networks, record figures from Intesa Sanpaolo, a giant of finance and innovation, Terna’s investments for a more modern and sustainable electricity grid, the growing results of Unipol and UnipolSai. There will be the national Matteo, Salvini, fresh from the Catania hearing for the Gregoretti affair: we will ask him if, after the national turning point, after the emancipation of anti-euro folklore, after the public appreciation of “whatever Whatever “by Mario Draghi, after Washington and Moscow’s Clarification, the time has come for the League to imagine a different location in Brussels. A leader who aspires to see before others, anticipates events, imagines the new possible.
The potential – Matteo Salvini is the leader of the main center-right party (which governs fifteen regions out of twenty), on his shoulders the enormous responsibility of expressing a proposal and a political template at the height of the consensus that continues to gather and the challenges that he will soon face. face the country. While the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi warns of the risk of transforming Italy into a “Subsidistan” and the Ance builders report 744 blocked works for a total of 57 billion euros (and 890 thousand fewer jobs), we know that the freezing of Layoffs won’t last forever. Those who aspire to conquer Palazzo Chigi through the free game of democratic elections, and not through parliamentary shortcuts, have a duty to develop innovative recipes capable of unleashing the enormous potential of entrepreneurs, artisans, merchants, farmers, VAT numbers. Rediscovering the value of a word that bonuses and lazy income seem to have removed from the national vocabulary: risk. We will talk about all this during the three days of “Rinascita Italia. The young hope”. We will have the advice of thought authorities such as Giulio Tremonti and Massimo D’Alema, Sabino Cassese and Paola Severino, Luciano Violante and Carlo Cottarelli, Franco Coppi and Giuseppe Pignatone. At the beginning, after the speech of the President of the Senate, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, we will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first Jewish woman to be a member of the Supreme Court of the United States; Ambassador Dror Eydar will speak with us from the stage, because the defense of Israel passes through the defense of the West. Good school for everyone.