The President of the Veneto Region Luca zaia come back live today, December 26, for updates on the pandemic of Coronavirus in our territory. After the Christmas day break, the governor presents the new data on the infection and the victims, awaiting the day of the first anti-Covid vaccinations, on Sunday, December 27 (how Veneto works – READ HERE). In the meantime, an agreement has been signed and from January in the Veneto pharmacies it will be possible to carry out rapid tests with specialized personnel, at a cost of 26 euros per patient (Read the article).
But the theme of the day is immediately announced by Zaia: on Christmas Eve in Veneto the English variant of Covid was found. Three cases, two in Treviso and one in Vicenza. But not only that, two Venetian mutations have also been discovered, typical of our territory and not present in the rest of Italy.
Zaia lives today
Positive 237,315 positive since the start of the pandemic, in the last 24 hours +2523 new infections, today 88,842 positive for Covid, 3,275 hospitalized (389 in intensive care, 2,886 in non-critical area), 5,986 deaths.
English variant in Veneto
Dr. Antonia Ricci, director of the Venice Zooprophylactic Institute, today invited to Luca Zaia’s press conference. “They found the English virus in Veneto»: This is the Governor’s announcement today. On Christmas Eve, scholars and researchers worked and discovered that the English variant is also present in our region. Today’s work is the result of a project in the Region that aims to sequence the virus found in Veneto – explained Dr. Ricci – we follow the virus in the course of an epidemic ». The first results of the study were presented live: “There are 37 viruses isolated in Veneto in November, in these we have 8 different variants of Sars Covid 2, not the English variant in that month, but some mutations that we found are only present in our territory In the last few days we have had 5 samples of patients who had links with the United Kingdom, therefore suspected of carrying this variant “. Two subjects in Treviso and one in Vicenza tested positive for the English variant. “Today we are dealing with completely different types of virus than this summer: they have a mutation that makes it more contagious, that of the English variant, in addition, as mentioned, in Veneto we have found unique variants characterized by high contagion. We will have to better investigate these “territorial” variants. This summer’s virus is not linked to the second wave, according to the first reports. “It is important to characterize these viruses to follow their progress, we have this objective, to understand the progress of the epidemic and to implement effective actions. It is essential to make scientific information on variants available to everyone, not to keep it in the drawer.
Has the English variant influenced the spread of the infection in Veneto? “To date we have very little information, three cases cannot be the explanation for an epidemic of this type, and the cases are recent. We need to deepen the investigations and analyze a large number of samples, in particular cases like Asolo’s, where the infection was rapid and significant, but for now they are only assumptions. Other variants, even more typical of our territory, will be studied to understand if they can explain the contagion trend in Veneto.
The two Venetian variants
“In the last weeks in 37 analyzed cases we have found 8 different genotypes and 2 seem to be typical of Vneeto, found here and not in the rest of Italy”, explained Dr. Ricci again. “We have developed targeted tests that identify the genetic trait characterized by typical English variant mutations and then we sequence the specific trait, to have 100% confirmation, then we sequence the entire genome, and we are doing it these days.”
the Dr. Roberto Rigoli, director of the microbiology and virology unit in Treviso: «Either you work as a team or you don’t go anywhere, this is the proof of it. The samples arrive every month from February, we will deepen the studies: a part will be sent to the Institute, about ten per month for each Venetian Ulss, to sequence the virus. All patients identified with the English variant did the antigen swab, the rapid test, which worked for all patients: so this type of test also works for the English variant. What we have done will be very useful at Italian and international level, the data has become transparent, available to all, we must continue like this ”.
The Dr. Francesca Russo, Prevention Manager of the Veneto Region: “I have prepared a note for the Ministry where I write that we have identified two women and a man positive for the variant, from the UK, we have a secondary case that we will sequence to find out if it is the same virus , yes it is a family contact ».
The three positive patients
They returned from Great Britain, they had a little fever and feeling tired, except for one who is under 40 years old. Then they did the rapid test and they tested positive, they are two women and one man, 2 from Treviso and 1 from Vicenza, they are not in contact with each other. They were immediately placed in solitary confinement, contact swabs were made, all negative except for one relative who currently only has a fever.
Dr. Luciano Flor, current Director General of the Hospital of Padua, new Director General of Health of the Veneto Region: “It is a different virus, so today we have few cases in intensive care, and we have this answer thanks to the studies we have We know that this wave is particularly epidemic, we can adopt various measures, quarantines or sophisticated studies like this, but nothing can replace individual behavior that must be rigorous. “
Last updated: 13:14