Marco Travaglio raise the bar against Italia Viva. The director of the Daily occurrence, to defend the government from Renz’s threats, comes to insults. This at least as noted on Twitter where the January 3 editorial did not go unnoticed. “The first way to say in 2021 – read the cover – is ‘to have a face like Boschi’. extensively reworked that dominates the 87 interviews broadcast in the last month really belongs to Renzian’s deputy who in 2016 solemnly announced her withdrawal from politics in case of defeat in the referendum ”. Maria Elena Boschi colleagues and no. “But about the unworthy and very serious insults directed once again against Boschi – comments Luciano Nobili -, someone has news of a position taken by Lilli gruber? Does the women’s rights advocate, the scourge of sexist comments, have nothing to say to her regular guest Marco Travaglio? “.
And again: “Journalists, politicians, civil society, all women, I ask you: is it normal for a CF newspaper to denounce such flagrant verbal violence against a woman for being a politician and a deputy? It is a clear gender violation and should be punished “is another answer. The war between the director of the Done and the women of Italia Viva is not new. A few months ago Travaglio had defined, invoking his past, Teresa Bellanova “weapons stolen from agriculture”. The uproar was immediate.