“You are the real fascists” – Libero Quotidiano


“You are the real fascists.” Roberto Ceccardi went down to the square a Cascina to defend his daughter Susanna, candidate for the Lega of the Tuscany Region. Ceccardi senior former mayor of Cascina on Saturday, surprisingly, writes the Corriere della Sera, “during a demonstration of the Sardines that took place in Piazza Nenni in the presence of the leader of the movement Mattia Santori, screaming with a sign hanging from his neck. He approached the protesters shouting that ‘Cascina is from the Lega’ and that ‘you are the true fascists’, proudly showing off the poster where the daughter’s face was reproduced and the ballot with ‘Vote Ceccardi’ written on it.

Then he turned to Las Sardinas, remembering that his uncle “was assassinated by the fascists, we are a family of” anti-fascists forever. “Then it seems that he calmed down and left the demonstration upset. A few hours before his wife and mother of Susanna Ceccardi, had been admitted to hospital. The MEP did not want to comment on what happened. Roberto Ceccardi, originally from a Cascina hamlet, is in the area as “Mago Idi” an expert in fortune telling. It seems that his predictions are impeccable and that he even predicted the vertiginous political rise of his daughter Susanna.

I'm a little embarrassed.  Santori, live drama: Sallusti laughs, slapping Bersani |  Look
