yes, travel between small towns – Il Tempo


Despite many doubts, even among politicians and virologists, in the end he might be allowed to move between small towns on Christmas Day, perhaps even on St. Stephen’s Day and New Year’s Eve. “We are going to argue again, but Parliament is sovereign – says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, at a press conference in Brussels -. What I can say is that any exception will be implemented with great care. ” The indication is for the Chamber and the Senate, which could modify the decree law ‘Natale’ (n. 158/2020) that in article 1 obliges everyone to remain in their municipality.

The latest rumors point to an amendment, formulated in parliament, to modify the decree. But the details are unclear: will only the smallest municipalities participate? Or will it be narrowed down to very specific cases, like older people seeing supportive family members? It will be discussed over the weekend and the proposed modification should reach Palazzo Madama next week.

Within the same government, Teresa Bellanova (Iv) and Luigi Di Maio (M5S) are openings while Health Minister Roberto Speranza (LeU) takes the hardest line: allowing travel, in his opinion, runs the risk of raising the curve of infection in January. The spokesperson for the penalty shooters is also Andrea Crisanti, a professor of microbiology at the University of Padua, who says he is against it. “We need coherence – he says in a radio interview – the Government, at least, had to think about it first. The important thing is not to mix families ”. Crisanti, however, sees the greatest risk from January 7, when mobility returns and schools fill up again. If all this triggers a third wave “we will not have the tools to prevent it, because vaccination will take months.”

This week, the Higher Institute of Health registered an incidence of cases that, at the national level, remains high, around 450 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. “Even in some areas of the country, in contrast to the trend, there is an increase in incidence itself,” explains manager Gianni Rezza, who highlights that it is “necessary for citizens to continue to behave with extreme caution.” No direct reference to Christmas, sure, but it’s a clear warning. However, calls for easing restrictions are multiplying. It is “a matter of common sense”, explains the governor of Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Conference of the Regions, who, however, underlines that he certainly does not want to open everyone to freedom. “It would be irresponsible,” he explains, “I am only saying to evaluate some cases of family reunification, of close relatives so as not to leave a family member alone or in need.”

Bonaccini, like other local administrators, point out that there are small and very small municipalities where “you cannot move 500 meters because there is a border.” The leader of the Lega, Matteo Salvini, who together with his center-right colleagues has prepared a joint motion in the Senate, which should be discussed on Wednesday afternoon, proposes expanding the possibility of traveling to the provincial borders, and perhaps giving a numerical limit of diners that must not be exceeded. . “If all of Europe does not put limits between municipalities, I do not want Italians to be separated at home between families”, says the secretary of the Carroccio. Who, with the prospect of the corrective so requested by him, could vote (together with the center-right allies and the same majority) on the amendment to allow travel.
