yes to visits to close relatives, all forbidden parties –


In the next Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which the government will launch before December 3 (which will come into effect on December 4 and could remain in force until Epiphany), the government will outline the strategy to continue flattening out and begin to lower the curve for coronavirus infections, Covid hospitalizations, and disease-related deaths.

In addition to a series of openings and prohibitions (here all the advances), the decree could contain a clarification that should allow not only the return home but also the reunification of close relatives.

The hope that in a few weeks all the regions will be in the yellow band, which distinguishes the territories with moderate risk of Covid. In these areas it is allowed to move not only outside the municipality itself, but also from one region to another: the main limitation is the curfew at 10:00 p.m.

Nowadays cannot go to orange or red zone regions Except for work, health and emergency reasons, which in any case must be justified with the self-certification form.

Many in the government fear that what happened last summer with free mobility and the increase in infections will be repeated at Christmas.

To avoid mass displacements between regions as soon as they turn yellow, the government will have to specify whether family reunification will be allowed even in orange or red zone regions, and between orange or red zone regions, even if only between Close relatives. : parents and children, spouses, partners.

The government will specify why parties, public and private, stay prohibited. And that though gatherings in private homes cannot be prohibited, it will be highly recommended spend the holidays only with close relatives, protecting the most fragile, therefore the elderly and those suffering from pathologies, with masks and spacers.

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