“Yes to Berlusconi if ​​he offers the will to overcome populism”


I think that Goffredo Bettini’s idea of ​​calling to work “the best energies in the country” is a successful proposal. “Matteo Renzi said this to Corriere della Sera commenting on the possibility of an expansion to Forza Italia. If Forza Italia offers the will to To overcome populism, the leaders of the Democratic Party are right to say let’s see the cards. Objectively this availability can produce a political novelty, “continues the leader of Italia Viva.

An expansion of the majority with Forza Italia, therefore, could be possible as long as we follow the path started with the Conte bis government, such as curbing populism and electing, in 2022, a President of the Republic who is in line of the EU. and the Atlantic Alliance.

“We have created a coalition that has cornered the populists of this country. And this majority wants to elect a President of the Republic who will save the Quirinal until 2029, keeping the bar straight on the Atlantic alliance and on the European Union. For Berlusconi this is an opportunity to show that Forza Italia is an ally of Merkel and not of Le Pen. Specifically, this can also lead to an enlargement of the majority, but it depends on who wins the internal challenge between the Nazarene front and the Pontida front ”.

Although doubts persist that Berlusconi and, more generally, Forza Italia can take that step. Especially in the administrative year, as Renzi explains.

“In Forza Italia two souls coexist: there is the group that we can call the Nazarene Front, which wants bipartisan agreements and is part of the PPE scenario led by Merkel, and there is the group that we define the Pontifical Front that wants the alliance only with the League. We will see who will prevail. In my opinion, in the administrative year, Berlusconi, as I know him, will not give up Salvini and Meloni. However, if it did, it would be a very worthwhile twist. There was an opening. And that’s why I agree with Zingaretti: let’s make ourselves available in a serious way. If they are roses they will bloom ”.

Renzi does not make the approach to Berlusconi a problem of numbers, especially in the Senate (“As long as Italia Viva exists, this government does not have a problem of numbers. However, there is a qualitative leap in health management, in Recovery plan, in unlocking of works “), but in case of exclusion of Forza Italia from the majority, as Giuseppe Conte and Vito Crimi feared, the idea of ​​the” reorganization “requested by Bettini is no longer so unrealistic.

“We are drafting the new contract with the government. Now is the time to focus on content. So if we find the right agreements, it will be time to look each other in the eye and tell us if everything is okay or if we can strengthen some ministries. In the majority, many ask for some changes in the government team to make a qualitative leap, but no one proposes a new prime minister ”.

Then Matteo Renzi also comments on the queries that concern him, Open first.

“Sooner or later someone will find the time and the courage to tell what has happened in my life over the years. But I believe in the seriousness of the vast majority of the judges and the rest of the Supreme Court has already spoken twice on the subject.
