
It is true that the defeat in the Marches, conquered by the center right, hurts. But Nicola Zingaretti, in the afternoon, closes the elections with a great sigh of relief. And a cry: “We have won.”
In fact, Tuscany is still flushed, no mishap was feared on the banks of the Arno that could have cost him the secretariat. Furthermore, Enzo De Luca won in Campania and Michele Emiliano held out in Puglia. Despite the forecasts. Just as he won the yes in the referendum, which the Democratic leader had to defend with knife and teeth.
Regionali, Zingaretti: “If we had been united, we would have won almost everywhere”
(Agencia Vista) Rome, September 21, 2020 Regionals, Zingaretti: “If we had always been united, we would have won almost everywhere” “In the Regionals, if we had always been united, we would have won almost everywhere”. This was said by the national secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, at a press conference. Facebook Zingaretti Source: Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev
Regional elections, Zingaretti: “Security decrees to be modified, Pd first party but without reorganization trap”
Regionali, Zingaretti: “If we were united, we would have won almost everywhere”
“In a result like this the day before I would not have put a signature, but seven …”, says Undersecretary Andrea Orlando. Yes, the 3 to 3 (Tuscany, Campania and Puglia in the center-left, Veneto, Liguria and Marche in the center-right) on Sunday at the Nazarene nobody was betting on him. Not even the secretary.
Thus, when the scrutiny for the regional elections is still in progress, Zingaretti – with whom Giuseppe Conte phoned: “Congratulations on the victory” – leaked his “satisfaction” with the result of the referendum: “The validity of the Democratic Party election. Now go ahead with the reforms, we will also represent the concerns of those who voted no. ”Translation: He was right, think what a disaster if he had lined up the party of the“ niet ”, as even the noble fathers Romano Prodi and Walter Veltroni had suggested.
So much so that Matteo Ricci and Walter Verini, while potential competitor Stefano Bonaccini dismisses the congress topic (“we would go crazy if we closed up talking about ourselves”), they rushed to lock up the Nazareno tenant. even stronger. With the victory in Campania, Tuscany and Puglia, Zingaretti and the Democratic Party are strengthened ». And in the chat of the parliamentarians dem records a video with the notes of Vasco Rossi and the images of the secretary: «I’m still here, and now …!
Zingaretti, who observes the “debacle” of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda with poorly concealed satisfaction, now asks 5Stelle to respect the pacts on the electoral law and on the constitutional changes necessary to accompany the scissors of the number of parliamentarians. And that of the reforms is not the only story that the Democratic leader presents to the grillini who, in addition to Liguria, have put candidates against him. “As enemies, not as allies.” An attitude that Zingaretti stigmatizes: if the 5 Stelle “had listened to us, the government alliance would have won everywhere except in Veneto. I say it from day one: allies, not adversaries. A line that does not change: “We must work for a stronger alliance and govern well.”
To govern well, according to Zingaretti, “it is necessary to have an identity of opinions.” So the 5Stelle “resign themselves” and continue with their incorporation into the MEDE, the European stability mechanism that could contribute to Italy 36 billion with which to strengthen the national health system: “We have to go from words to deeds “. How is it necessary to go ahead with the rewriting of the security decrees: “There is an agreement, the changes are made.” A gloss follows: “They said we were subordinate to 5Stelle, then the Italians vote and it turns out that we are the first party.”
Zingaretti, for his part, does not intend to ask for a rebalancing of the government team, due to the new balance of power that sees the grillini collapse throughout Italy: «But what a reorganization, I am not falling into this trap. Rather, we will pressure the government on how to spend the billions well ”from the Recovery Fund. And Orlando, who had clamored for a “coupon” for the executive: “Reorganize? I don’t know, the important thing is to start a new stage.”
Summary of the Chief of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini: «This vote stabilizes and encourages the Democratic Party and the government. We are the only alternative to the right. Franceschini, on the other hand, is quick to reinforce the meeting with the secretary: «Thanks to Zingaretti who, amid pressure and pessimism of all kinds, kept the party’s helm in the right direction. It was not easy and now that he and the Democratic Party are stronger, the government and the constitutional reforms will be able to advance.
And another dem minister says: ‘The reorganization? At most some surgery. If a rebalancing were made due to the electoral results, Italia Viva would be canceled and the number of grillini ministers would be reduced. And pandemonium would break out, as it would take a controlled crisis to send home the unsuitable. But it would be risky and absolutely necessary to avoid it. Rather it would be better if Zingaretti was deputy prime minister … ».
Last update: September 22 at 01:01