“Yes, I’m sure. At the first symptoms, I immediately took the swab that confirmed Covid positivity. If I’m always careful, I always wear a mask, I must say that Covid is a beast. ”Beatrice Lorenzin, a Democratic Party deputy and former Health Minister, tells Ansa this.
On the same day Ricardo Merlo, undersecretary of Foreign Relations, also communicated his positivity. Swabs are being done on members of the House foreign commission. “I am positive for the coronavirus, probably infected by my driver, he had a fever and then I had it,” he told Ansa, adding that his eight-year-old daughter also tested positive. “The first thing I did was warn Fassino,” chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “Even in the car I always wear a mask,” he added, “but the car is small. We should start doing like taxis, that is, putting a barrier between driver and passenger ”.
Francesco Zicchieri, deputy director of the Lega in the Chamber and coordinator of Lazio also tested positive today for Covid 19. The parliamentarian is fine, he has no symptoms and all the protocols planned for the treatment and counteracting the spread of the Coronavirus have been activated.
And from the Palazzo della Consulta comes the news of the postponement of today’s hearing, until tomorrow, because there have been four cases of positivity. A press office note reads: “The Constitutional Court public hearing already scheduled for October 6, 2020 is postponed to a new role. This was established by a decree of the president of the constitutional court, Mario Rosario Morelli, after consulting the college. The postponement was necessary as a precaution due to the prolonged time of the rhino-pharyngeal swabs performed by judges and judicial personnel and in light of the health guidelines that, as a prudential measure, they recommend to the close contacts of those who have tested positive. a 14-day fiduciary isolation, even when your immunoassay result is negative. In compliance with the aforementioned guidelines, the ordinary activities of the constitutional court and its offices continue ”.