Pensions: new ones emerge details on what was discussed during the first meeting, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labor and the confederal unions.
As anticipated a few days ago, the Government pushes up Odds 102 with penalty for the subsequent Quota 100: in this way as of January 1, 2022 stop working at 64 (instead of 62 as with Quota 100) and with 38 years of contributions, with a cut of the contribution amount (therefore only for the part calculated with the contribution system) which should result in a reduction of approximately 5% of the check.
The unions, however, insistently ask extend to everyone the possibility of using Quota 41 retiring after 41 years of contributions, a possibility today reserved for a few categories of precocious workers.
A request that the Ministry of Labor does not seem willing to attend, if it does not provide for contribution recalculation for the pension subsidy for those who decide to resort to Quota 41, with a cut that in that case could be much greater.
But be careful: there seems to be news on this front, as explained by the unions that participated in the meeting. In fact, chances are there is a expansion of posts of the possible beneficiaries of the Quota 41.
Appointment 41 is a possibility for pension reform, but not for everyone
As anticipated, those who have accumulated 41 years of contributions, of which 12 months can retire today, regardless of age, must refer to the period prior to 19 years. Those who meet these requirements, in fact, are called precocious workers.
In addition, they must belong to one of the following categories:
- long-term unemployed;
- 74% disabled;
- caregivers;
- heavy and tired workers.
These are, therefore, very strict requirements, so much so that in recent years only a small part of workers have been able to use this option for early retirement. This measure could be the solution to protect the categories of fragile workers still without protection: The confirmation came from the secretaries of the unions who participated in the last meeting on the pension reform.
As explained by Ignazio Ganga, Confederal Secretary of the CISL, the Ministry of Labor has expressed its intention to Allow access to Quota 41 even to precocious workers and only to fragile workers.
This would mean that it would be enough to be precocious workers, having accumulated 12 months of contributions before the age of 19, to be able to retire with 41 years of contributions, without necessarily falling into one of the categories of fragile workers listed above.
Similarly, fragile workers do not have to be precocious workers at the same time to be able to use Quota 41.
An important novelty also confirmed by Domenico Proietti, confederal secretary UIL, who explained that there was “an opening designed to facilitate access to Quota 41 for precocious workers“Updates on this front are already expected at the next pension reform meeting, when news about the Social Ape and Woman option extension, the only two measures on the pension front that should find space in the next Budget Law.