Yellow zone, when Lombardy and other regions change color – Chronicle


Rome, December 10, 2020 – Sunday December 13th there may be new color changes towards more moderate Covid risk bands. It’s five o’clock Regions ‘orange’ which can turn ‘yellow’: Lombardy, Piedmont, Campania me Tuscany. Also at stake Calabria, while theAbruzzo, the only one still red, could move to the orange zone.

At the moment it is a matter of hypothesis. To have official confirmation of the passage from one risk zone to another, it will be necessary to wait until tomorrow, December 11, when the data from the tracking problem and the national control room, called upon to examine the epidemiological data of the different territories, will certify that the conditions for the different ‘promotions’ are in place.

On the map of Italy, therefore, it could prevail the color yellow, although from December 21 to January 6, the limitations designed ad hoc for the period of the Christmas holidays will be increased. Meanwhile, the Vice Minister of Health, Pierpaolo sileri, warns that the “surgical closures” of the regions “will continue until the vaccine is widely available and manufactured by the population.” In fact, “it is possible for infections to resume when everything turns yellow,” he adds.

Coronavirus, the newsletter for December 10


The passage of Lombardy to the yellow zone is expected. Yesterday, the president of the Region announced the color change, Attilio fontana. “Starting Sunday, Lombardy will officially be the yellow zone. Minister Speranza informed me that, as in previous times, on Friday he will sign the ordinance, on Saturday it will be published and on Sunday it will come into force, “he stresses.” It is confirmed that the trend in figures in Lombardy is decreasing both with regard to the circulation of viruses, both for hospitalizations in ordinary and intensive rooms. A result achieved thanks to the virtuous behavior of all Lombards, whom I thank once again. “Fontana’s exhortation is” to continue on this path of daily responsibility that allows you to control the virus. “


Optimism about the color change also in Campania. The region is preparing to enter the yellow zone after moving from the red zone to the orange one on Sunday, with the ordinance signed last Friday by the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza. There are also encouraging posters from the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, who, to the microphones of Tagadà television broadcast by La7, said: “I have the impression that the intention is to go towards the end of this week in the direction of a yellow zone in the country. This seems to me to be the trend that must naturally be confirmed “. from this week’s data. “The mayor then added that” obviously I find this good news but it does not mean that we have to let go and relax, otherwise in January we are on point. “


There would be a few days to enter the yellow zone also for Piedmont. Data from the Ministry of Health show a situation of improvement with a Rt scess to 0.7, infections below 1000 in the last two days and a drop in intensive care patients. The President of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, reiterated that vaccinations will begin at the end of January 2021. “We have already presented the plan for phase one, to vaccinate all health personnel and all RSA guests, the delivery of vaccines is scheduled for the last week of January . We have already given all the details to the commissioner both for the storage of the vaccine and for its distribution to all hospitals and more than 700 nursing homes. We are already decided – Cirio added – in phase two, which extends the range to other subjects and for which regional competence comes into play even more directly. “


Also in the Tuscany Region, the transition to the yellow zone is expected on Sunday, December 13. For the governor Eugenio Giani “It will be the Scientific Technical Committee who decides when Tuscany will go down to the yellow zone: but since the RT has also fallen below 1, we have the conditions to do so at any time.


The hypothesis that Calabria passes into the yellow zone also seems plausible. “There are all the conditions and now we hope that today’s government will accept the data that we have communicated to it and that it will finally be aligned with that of the whole of Italy, but ‘yellow zone’ does not mean all free refuge,” he said during a Facebook direct from the acting president of the Calabria region, Nino Spirlì. “Yesterday, after a squeeze that we gave to the relevant Asps and also the help that was needed, – he added – we were able to reach 63%, which is very high, of reliability of our data. Before age 20, 29.30%, because unfortunately they were not loaded by the ASPs on the platform that we had made available many months ago, also equipping all the Asps with telematic support. Now finally, after the last ordinance, we have also managed to get this one. “


The intention not to stay long in the red zone is clear. In recent days, in fact, the president of the Region, Marco Marsilio, signed a passage order in the orange zone and received the government stoppage. Tomorrow, the day of the decision on the different color changes of the Regions, the Tar L’Aquila hearing will be held electronically on the appeal presented by the government to the decision adopted by Abruzzo.

From the orange zone to the yellow zone: what changes

The color change presupposes less restrictive provisions. In the yellow zone, considered a modest risk band, it is allowed to pass the hours 5 to 10 pm without self-certification. Give him 22 all 5 Displacements are prohibited, except for those due to work needs, situations of need or health reasons. It is also allowed to move to a different Municipality, as long as both are in the yellow zone.

Bars, restaurants and pastry shops they will be able to receive their clients again, but until hours 18, afterwards only take-out service is allowed until 22.

Everybody shops it can be reopened and there are no restrictions on the categories of products that can be purchased. I stay closed museums.
In the yellow zone it is also possible to get to the second house, as long as it is also in the yellow zone.

Still closed too swimming pools, gyms, theaters, cinemas. On the other hand, the sports centers are open. However, individual workouts are allowed in the open air, as well as workouts for team sports, which can be done individually and respecting the distance.

the religious functions They can be carried out with the participation of people, provided they comply with the protocols signed by the Government with their respective confessions.

Respiratory protection devices (better known as More expensive) should be used both outdoors and indoors in places other than your home. There are some exceptions such as for children under six years of age, for those who practice physical activity, while eating or drinking, in the places and times when it is allowed or when they are alone or exclusively with their partners.
