“The bills don’t add up. ” The mayor of Naples by Magistris is perplexed by the situation of Covid-19 and, above all, by how the Government has classified Campania in terms of risk, that is to say “yellow zone”, among the regions that deserve the least number of established restrictions.
“Two weeks ago, the president of the Campania region announced that he would proclaim closure due to the very serious infection situation in Campania – continued the mayor – The announcement then fell on deaf ears. A week ago prof. Ricciardi, a government consultant, announced on television that Naples would have to be blocked. Last night we learned from the Prime Minister that Campania is a yellow zone, therefore among the Lower Risk Regions in Italy“.
“But still – the mayor continues to describe the situation – the hospitals in Naples and Campania are collapsing. Ambulances used as ward beds, cars lined up in front of hospitals to wait for treatments that do not arrive, people who are at risk of dying because they do not receive adequate and immediate assistance, positive symptoms often left in their homes. Given that the situation is dramatic in health facilities, one of the two: o the Campania Region does not provide real data and current in the Ministry of Health, or health in Campania has gone crazy even though we are on the yellow level, the lowest risk among the Regions of Italy“.
“We’re puzzled and worried – the mayor concludes – We have the right to understand and receive accurate information from the Government.“.
Ranking of regions, the 21 indicators used
Campania Yellow Zone, here are the restrictions from Friday
“Decision taken to avoid social war”
The mayor of Naples is not the only first citizen of Campania to show concern about the situation. “I expected to find myself at least in the orange zone, instead we are in the yellow zone to avoid a Social war. In Somma of 35 thousand inhabitants 670 are positive, the curve is high, yesterday another 50 infected“, so Salvatore di sarno, Mayor of Somma Vesuviana, about the last Dpcm. Di Sarno spoke with ‘Barba & Capelli’ on Radio Crc. “Personally – has explained – I agreed with Governor De Luca that the red zone asked. We need a total stop to start again in December ”.