Yellow zone of Calabria from Sunday December 13: Speranza gave official confirmation to Spirlì


11 December 2020 20:32

With a direct Facebook, the acting president Spirlì announced that from Sunday Calabria will be officially in the yellow zone.

Calabria yellow zone Starting since Sunday December 13. The acting president confirmed this in a live feed on Facebook. Nino Spirlì. “A few minutes ago I received a call from Minister Roberto Speranza, who informed me that tomorrow the passage of Calabria in the yellow zone will be published in the Official Gazette”, has explained. Further, “This is not a totally free lair”, the invitation is in fact to continue using a responsible and preventive behavior to avoid the contagion of Coronavirus. Meanwhile, the acting president of the Calabria Region has made it known that in the next few hours an order will be issued to regulate returns on the occasion of the holidays of Christmas.

Yellow zone of Calabria, Spirlì: “we need responsible behavior”

“Minister Speranza has just informed me that Calabria will go into the yellow zone as of next Sunday, after the publication of the relevant provision in the Official Gazette, scheduled for tomorrow.”. This was reported by the acting president of the Calabria Region, Nino Spirlì. “It’s a confirmation – happens – of a positive trend possible thanks to the behavior of Calabrians and the organization of our health system. However, being in the yellow zone does not solve the serious problem that Covid represents. The virus is active and continues to live among us. Calabrians must continue to maintain a responsible behavior, knowing how to manage – with adequate self-control – each personal, family and social activity, to avoid deterioration of which we are well aware of the harmful effects. We owe it to the loved ones that many of us have lost, we owe it to those who are still suffering hospitalized, we owe it to the weakest and to all those who, although not infected, could become so because of an unforgivable lightness. Since Sunday – concludes President Spirlì –, open eyes and self-control. The yellow zone will finally allow the resumption of business activities that had stopped. But the new provisions should not be seen as a kind of free haunt for everyone, because unfortunately Covid-19 is not a game. “

Calabria in the yellow zone from Sunday, official status is expected: from the reopening of bars and restaurants to the movement between municipalities, this is what changes
