Editorial Board
09 November 2020 18:52
Although Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Umbria and Tuscany have been declared orange zones and will be the subject of an order from Health Minister Roberto Speranza that will take effect on Wednesday, November 11, it is not yet known where Campania will end. According to some journalistic rumors, the region led by Vincenzo De Luca ran the risk of ending up in the red zone. But the decision will only come tomorrow.
Yellow, orange or red? The decision on the Campania area comes tomorrow.
At the moment, in fact, a verification of the epidemiological data is being carried out that will affect all other Italian regions. As we know, Report number 25 of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità was delayed today because some local authorities had not yet sent all the data. Meanwhile, there is a lot of confusion about it. According to what Dire has learned from sources in the Region, Campania, at least for the moment, should remain in the yellow zone. This is the indication, not yet official, that the Ministry of Health would have received at the end of the meeting that analyzed the data from the regions. Also for AdnKronos we are moving towards the confirmation of the “yellow” area for Campania. According to the news agency, this is currently the Ministry’s guidance based on the analysis of epidemiological data. The indication is not yet official: tomorrow a new verification will be dedicated to the situation in Campania.
Even according to what the Ansa news agency writes, Campania will remain in the yellow zone. The control room has judged that the situation in Campania is stable at the moment in the context of the Covid 19 emergency. The indication will now be evaluated by the Ministry of Health and tomorrow the Minister of Health Speranza will make a final decision. For the moment, in fact, in the Italian panorama the situation of the Campania health system is still considered capable of supporting the lightest class in relation to infections and the number of hospitalizations. Enrico Coscioni, health advisor to Governor Vincenzo De Luca, participated in today’s meeting, representing Campania, a delegation that the governor reserved for himself.
The Corriere della Sera wrote this morning that Campania seemed to have a real situation different from the one written in the numbers: they say that the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, is “analyzing the data with a magnifying glass.” The newspaper wrote that the region could make a double jump in the ranking, going from yellow to red. “There are lines of ambulances and cars in all the hospitals in Naples – was the alarm of Giuseppe Galano, manager of the 118 citizen -. Cotugno, Cardarelli, Ospedale del Mare are in crisis to receive Covid patients “.
Meanwhile, due to the situation in the hospitals of Naples, Codacons will contact the prosecutor, asking to investigate the regional leaders and confiscate all documents related to the activity carried out by the administration in front of the management of the Health establishments. “The situation in Naples is very serious and requires an intervention of the judiciary – explains Codacons – the beds in hospitals are scarce and emergency rooms cannot cope with the numerous accesses of citizens, with very dangerous consequences in terms of the care provided to patients. “. The complaint will be presented tomorrow and will ask the Campania Region to investigate possible cases of lack of assistance, delay and omission of official acts and participation in homicide. The consumer protection association will also ask to investigate the business of private ambulances in Naples, with requests of up to 700 euros to transport the sick to the hospital.
The regions of the orange band as of Wednesday, November 11
From Wednesday, November 11, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Umbria and Tuscany will surely be in the orange strip. At this point, pending the decisions on Campania scheduled for tomorrow, this is the panorama of the situation: at the moment they are in the red band, which also provides for the prohibition of any movement, even within the municipality itself, in any hours, the school in attendance only up to the sixth grade and the closing of shops, bars and restaurants – Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, in addition to the province of Bolzano, which today entered the red range.
In the orange band, considered “intermediate” and that foresees the prohibition of movement between one region and between one municipality and another, are Puglia and Sicily, to which Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria have joined after today’s control room . , Tuscany and Umbria. They stay in the yellow band, which has the restrictive measures in force throughout the country (the “curfew” from 10 to 5 in the morning, museum and exhibition closings, distance education in high school and the reduction of up to one 50% for public transport) Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Marche, Molise, Province of Trento, Sardinia, Veneto.