
She was wearing a black bikini and a pair of earrings that had escaped the stormy sea. Tall and slender body, very long hair. It was found by a bather on Sunday morning at 11, on Sentina beach, a natural park in the sea of San Benedetto del Tronto, in the south of Market. Dead for a few hours, with two obvious cuts on her right thigh, compatible with a violent impact against a rock or, worse still, with the propeller of a boat.
He died on the beach: Marketa was only 17 years old. Autopsy today. The yellow of the missing partner
Nameless body on the beach: maybe it’s a Czech tourist, her partner has disappeared
Officially the girl has not yet been recognized, but the disappearance of a 17-year-old Czech tourist on vacation in Martinsicuro, in Abruzzo, with her boyfriend, who also disappeared into thin air. The Ascoli Piceno prosecutor has opened a file and awaits the answer, today at 3:00 pm, of the autopsy. The exam will determine if the girl died from drowning or injuries, and if these, if before death, were caused by a violent assault. At the moment the file is open to model 45, that is to say “facts that do not constitute criminal news.” But the yellow remains.
In Martinsicuro, in the province of Teramo, the 17-year-old Czech tourist, Markéta Adamcova, has not heard from herself since Saturday night. And the partner is not even found anymore, Tomas Cerveny, 40 years old, also Czech, manager of a bus company, passionate about photography. The two had rented an apartment on the Adriatic coast, in Martinsicuro, where they had already been on vacation, as a group, two years ago, a place they loved and wanted to see again. In the city and at sea they saw each other until Saturday night, then nothing more. His apartment, which was searched by police, was found to be in order, with no signs of a fight or break-in. It was Markéta’s mother who raised the alarm from the Czech Republic when she tried several times to call her daughter without receiving an answer. Alarmed, the woman went to the Consulate and a disappearance report reached the Ascoli Piceno police through the embassy.
At Martinsicuro’s apartment, the Mobile team, led by Patrizia Peroni, took fingerprints from the glasses used by the couple and DNA samples that will be used to establish with certainty if the girl found dead on Sentina beach is really the Czech tourist, who now disappeared for three days. Still no news from her partner. The suspicion is that the couple went for a swim early Sunday morning, after having dinner the night before with pizza and red wine at a restaurant in Martinsicuro. “I called them on Saturday night, around 10 pm – says Renata, the tour operator who supervised their arrival in Abruzzo – they told me they wanted to see the sunrise, but then I didn’t hear from them again.” But no one saw the tourist couple jump into the water on Sunday.
The investigations, for now, do not exclude anything: drowning, boat accident, assault up to the hypothesis of a possible violent death, however everything has yet to be verified and reconstructed. Clues are being sought for it. Attorney General Umberto Monti initiated contacts with the embassy and consulate and organized searches in the Adriatic Sea, patrolled throughout the day yesterday by the coast guard north and south of the mouth of the Tronto river, between Marche and Abruzzo, in a tried. to locate the body of the couple.
It was learned that the two tourists, residents of the north of the Czech Republic, arrived in Martinsicuro, at the apartment in via delle Lampare, on August 24 and were planning to return home for today. On Sunday the mysterious disappearance and the discovery of the young woman’s body, a little higher up, in San Benedetto del Tronto. The girl, according to the first reports, would have died of drowning, on the body the two cuts on the leg that the doctor attributed to a propeller or rocks. Relatives of the two tourists are in great apprehension, that they could soon reach Italy.
Last updated: 07:57