Yara Gambirasio: parents speak 10 years after the disappearance


Ten years after the death of Yara Gambirasio, the parents decide to open their hearts

Now they have passed ten years since the disappearance of Yara Gambirasio. Despite this, the memory of the murdered 13-year-old girl lives on, etched in everyone’s hearts, especially hers. parents. However, after many years, the latter have decided to talk about the death of their daughter.

Yara Gambirasio

Yara Gambirasio was murdered on the night of November 26, 2010 at the age of 13. Is a case which at the time assumed great media relevance. After the tragedy, the parents of Fulvio and Maura Gambirasio, 13, have decided to talk about theirs. daughter to bring to light ainitiative involving young enthusiasts.

During the years after Yara Gambirasio’s murder, her parents took over the distances of the trial and news reports. Fulvio and Maura Gambirasio have created aactivities aimed at all young children. Is a’Association whose aim is to help talented children to be successful in the sports, artistic and cultural fields.

Fulvio and Maura Gambirasio

The association founded by the Gambirasio family is called “Sara’s passionHowever, 10 years after the crime, Fulvio and Maura Gambirasio are beginning to live again. Here are which ones conditional freedom they inaugurated theirs initiative:

It does not seem that we have done anything strange, miraculous, great. The only thing: we had Yara. It is true. Yara is here. It is present. Very often, when I look at the photographs, I see it in the empty spaces. Is there an empty space? No, there she is. There is your strength. There is your smile.

Gambirasio Family

Yara Gambirasio’s mother also tells us that her daughter, when she was older, wanted to be gymnast:

There are his eyes. A phrase that Yara loved to say before entering the platform. He said, ‘Mom, I divided the world. I go in and divide the world. ‘ You also divide the world. That the boys and girls continue, continue with their passion “

Yara's parents

The association “Sara’s passion” was born thanks to Sister Carla Lavelli, Yara’s school principal and some parents. Is a’idea immediately considered very valid and thanks to which, already in 2016, 86 guys they got the help they needed.
