Xbox Boss confident Xbox Series X will launch on time, but games are another matter


Xbox boss Phil Spencer has commented on the impact of COVID-19 on Microsoft’s plans to launch Xbox Series X and new games as scheduled.

Speaking to CNBC, Spencer said he is confident that Xbox X Series hardware will be released in time for this holiday period. He said there was “some impact on schedules” for the hardware, but his team has been able to overcome them. Overall, Spencer said Microsoft is in line with his expectations of where he would be at this time of year when it comes to Xbox X Series hardware.

As for games, however, that’s a different story. Spencer said the nature of large-scale game development means that working from home setup can lead to a slowdown in production.

“The biggest unknown is probably the production of the game, just being honest,” Spencer said. “Game production is a large-scale entertainment activity now. You have hundreds of people coming together, creating assets, working through creatives [decisions]”

Spencer said Microsoft still has a positive feeling about its game development roadmap, but stressed that the health and safety of its developers is Microsoft’s top concern at the moment.

“We are learning every day. We still feel good about it, but I also need to make sure that the safety and security of the teams is the most important thing, and not to put undue pressure when things just aren’t ready.” said.

This is at least the second time that Spencer has spoken publicly about the impact of COVID-19. He previously talked about how Xbox development teams feel “stretched” with new work-from-home policies.

“We have nothing at the moment that says that we are not going to do the dates that we have been planning, but I will also say that this is in real time. I will put the security of our equipment at the top, along with a quality product I don’t want to rush a product if it’s not ready, “he said.

Spencer confirmed that Microsoft does not have a “plan B” at this time for what could happen if the COVID-19 crisis continues for an extended period of time. With that said, Spencer said he doesn’t want to launch the Xbox Series X in a phased manner as he did with the Xbox One. In Japan, for example, the Xbox One was released nine months after the system hit other parts of the world. Spencer said he wants the Xbox Series X to have a global concurrent release.

This brings an interesting setting with Halo Infinite. Spencer said Microsoft “will not launch the platform for any individual game.” Based on this comment, it appears that Microsoft will ship the Xbox Series X this holiday even if Halo Infinite, or any other first-class game, is delayed. Whatever happens, Spencer said Microsoft plans to be “very transparent” with people about its plans.

The Halo Infinite delay would be a huge loss for the Xbox X Series, as Microsoft has not released a new Xbox console with Halo as the launch title since the original Xbox in 2001. For its part, Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries The COVID-19 crisis has said “it may get worse before it gets better.”

For what it’s worth, Microsoft has said that there will be multiple pre-launch beta tests for Halo Infinite, and Microsoft has never said whether the Holiday 2020 release date for the game is for the full release or its beta tests.

Microsoft will showcase Xbox X Series games as part of a live event on May 7. These will be third-party games, including Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, so fans shouldn’t have any hope of seeing Halo Infinite. Microsoft is planning a later event to showcase the first-party games.

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