
the vaccine against Covid’s Pfizer-BioNTech X-ray of a group of researchers. According to a study published by the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine there is little efficacy with the first dose, but adverse reactions are not few (27% of cases) although so far they are not especially serious: fever, chills, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, most common.
The vaccine that will also arrive in Italy provides protection, although limited, starting 12 days after the administration of the first dose, we read on the website of the British medical journal which summarizes the evidence illustrated in the scientific article “Safety and efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine”. The effectiveness of the vaccine after the first dose is 52%. Seven days after the second dose, the efficacy increases to 95% (mean between 90.3% and 97.6% of the groups considered in the study).

Regarding safety, the study finds that 27% of patients adverse events versus 12% of those who received a placebo. Few volunteers, in both groups, who experienced serious or serious adverse events. In total, six patients died during the trial, two of those who received the vaccine and four of those treated with placebo, “but the academics did not consider any of the deaths related to the vaccine or placebo and no deaths associated with Covdi-19 was observed “.

The researchers write that the safety profile of BNT162b2 is characterized, as adverse reactions, by pain moderate and short-term at the injection site, fatigue me headache.