World Teachers’ Day, the most beautiful phrases and aphorisms


world teacher's dayToday we celebrate the World teachers day, also known worldwide as Teacher’s Day o Teacher’s Day. As is often the case with international celebrations, Google has also dedicated Scribble appropriate. World Teachers’ Day was created 26 years ago, in 1994, by the will of theThe UNESCO, the United Nations Organization that deals with the promotion of Education, Science and Culture.

The main objective of this anniversary is to commemorate the signing of the UNESCO Recommendations on the status of teachers, signed in 1966, and defined by the organization as the main reference base of the rights and responsibilities of teachers worldwide. Valuing the teaching profession is the objective of this conference, as well as promoting its work and raising public awareness about its merits and its contribution to the progress of society. Just think of the valuable contribution of teachers in the terrible months of lockdown that we left behind.

Italian teachers in the 2020/21 school year

After the difficult test of distance education, the teachers who have taken the chair for the new school year are a total of 683,975, to which must be added 152,521 support teachers. In order to allow the 2020/2021 school year to start and run in accordance with the containment measures of the epidemiological emergency of COVID-19, the Government has envisaged the possibility for the Regional Offices of Schools to activate additional staff assignments temporary. Temporary teacher from the start date of the lessons or from the start of the service until the end of the lessons. 7,507,484 students returned to school, of which 268,671 with disabilities.

Phrases and aphorisms about teachers

The World Teachers’ Day 2020 coincides with the year in which two fundamental anniversaries for teaching and teaching occur: in fact, the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Montessori, educator and pedagogue, and the centenary of the birth of Gianni Rodari, writer and children’s teacher. We have compiled some of the phrases, quotes and aphorisms more beautiful to do best wishes to all teachers.

The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say “The children are working as if I don’t exist”- Maria Montessori

A child, a teacher, a book and a pen can change the world.“-Malala Yousafzai

A teaching worthy of the name does not frame, does not standardize, does not produce students, but it knows how to encourage the desire to know.”- Massimo Recalcati

Teachers must love with anthropological curiosity that tribe of students they face every morning.”- Daniel Pennac

Teacher: after father is the noblest, sweetest name that a man can give to another man.“- Edmondo De Amicis

The mediocre teacher counts. explains the good teacher. excellent teacher demonstrates. the teacher inspires.“- Socrates

It is necessary for the teacher to guide the child, without letting him feel his presence too much, so that he is always ready to provide the desired help, but without ever being the obstacle between the child and his experience.. “- Maria Montessori

It’s nice to go to school, meet friends, work together, study. Not for the report card, but to become men “ – Gianni Rodari

A good teacher is one who progressively becomes superfluous.”- Thomas Carruthers

It is the supreme art of the teacher: awakening the joy of creativity and knowledge “- Albert Einstein
