(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 25 – ” Minister, we are amazed by the decision of the president of the Council of Ministers, Giuseppe Conte and the government to proceed until the end of November with the closure of cinemas, theaters and concert halls, surprised and strongly critical when knowing his commitment in favor of the workers of culture and entertainment. This is what we read in a letter to Minister Dario Franceschini that he sees among the first signatories: 100 Authors, AFIC (Association of Italian Film Festivals), ANAC (National Association of Cinematographic Authors), Casa del Cinema di Roma, SNGCI (Union Nacional de Periodistas) Cinematografici Italiani), SNCCI (National Union of Italian Film Critics), Gianni Amelio, Pupi Avati and Marco Be.
“In the current health situation – they continue -, of which we are very aware as citizens and operators of our sector, we understand that health is a primary good to protect at all costs. We know equally well that culture is an equally primary good and that resetting today a fundamental part such as spectacle is an action without logic and without utility in our opinion. In fact, it is proven that among the socialization activities, thanks to the strict health protocols that regulate screenings and shows since last May, cinemas and movie theaters are the safest places, where they have not been registered cases of contagion. This is attested by the data recently provided by Agis, the hundreds of screenings that took place safely at the Venice Film Festival and again, in recent days. , which coincided with a worrying increase in new infections, at the Rome Film Festival where there were no outbreaks.
In our opinion, even the closure will be counterproductive because the elimination of the only safe social structures, alternatives to nightlife on the street and the coexistence of restaurants, would lead to the disorientation of that part of the population that best reacts to the crisis pandemic. “(TAKE CARE OF).