World Children’s Day: when he was born and why


November 20 marks the 31st anniversary of the approval of the UN Convention, which aims to promote the right of minors to grow up healthy, receive an education and feel protected throughout the world. Conditions that are often denied

Every year on November 20, World Children’s Day is celebrated around the world. In fact, on this date is the anniversary of the approval – by the United Nations General Assembly – of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which dates from November 20, 1989. The anniversary takes on even greater value this year. , in light of the global impact of the coronavirus pandemic on minors and their essential rights. On the occasion of the Conference, Unicef ​​Italia carried out various initiatives on the subject, including webinars and institutional meetings.

The anniversary of the UN convention


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The date of the Day is precisely due to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989. Ratified by 190 countries around the world, including Italy ( in 1991), the document is based on four principles: non-discrimination; the best interests of children; the right to life, survival and development; listening to the opinions of the minor. Education also plays a central role in the Convention, considered a fundamental right that individual States undertake to guarantee. Specifically, the signatories have the duty to take measures to promote a decrease in the dropout rate and regular attendance. In these thirty years, the principles of the Convention have managed to influence national constitutions and laws, social policies and practices around the world. And thanks to these measures, significant results have been recorded. The overall mortality rate among children under 5 years of age, for example, has fallen by approximately 60% and the number of children not attending primary school has dropped from 18% to 8%.

Old and new threats

However, too many children continue to live in tragic situations and there is still much to do. Suffice it to say that almost 20 million children are exposed to the risk of contracting diseases because they do not receive routine vaccinations, and that in 2018 there were around 350 thousand cases of measles, more than double the previous year. UNICEF estimates that between now and 2040, worldwide, a quarter of the world’s population under the age of 18 (around 600 million people) will live in areas subject to particularly high water stress. And already today more than 800 children die every day due to diarrheal diseases linked to an inadequate water supply and lack of sanitation and sanitation. To all this is added the global threat dictated, in 2020, by the pandemic. In this sense, Save the Children’s forecasts are alarming: according to the organization, the number of children living below the poverty line could exceed 700 million by the end of the year. Access to education has also been questioned, denying one of the fundamental rights provided by the UN Convention.

The UNICEF initiative and the Anci proposal


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On the occasion of the anniversary, Unicef ​​Italia will participate in various institutional initiatives. On November 20, a delegation from the Corps, accompanied by the president of the Extraordinary Commission for the protection and promotion of human rights, Senator Stefania Pucciarelli, will present the main data of the report “The future we want – Being adolescents at the time of Covid-19 “to the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. The document was prepared in order to investigate the impact that the health emergency in Italy has had on the lives of adolescents. The idea would be to use the results of the report with you look to a more equitable and sustainable future.For World Day, Anci Lombardia also took the field, which, taking up the proposal of the National Council of the Order of Psychologists, invited Italian Municipalities to illuminate in green the most significant sites (chosen to express the concept of vitality) on the night of November 20.
