Forced to grow It is the annual event of the Caltagirone Editore Group that aims to investigate the most relevant issues of the international socio-economic context and develop incentives for the development of our country. But this year “Forced to Grow” acquires a new meaning, becoming an essential need to recover the growth path that the Covid-19 pandemic has interrupted in a spectacular way. It is also an opportunity to write a new chapter in our history, with greater gravity and momentum. In short, the objective of this new event is to provide ideas and assessments that contribute to giving a more energetic push to this kind of New Beginning.
Anyone can understand that starting large infrastructure works is essential to reactivate the economy and lay the foundations for a solid and sustainable relaunch: from securing existing ones to designing the most innovative infrastructures. Well conceived, they can help fill part of the internal territorial voids that still divide the Peninsula in two and define the speed and strength of the country. Education, work, health and digitization are then the great pillars on which to weld the different projects so that in the end there is a rational and coordinated whole.
Themes and methods that will be at the center of the Plan that the government is preparing to access the resources made available by the Recovery Fund, the Next Generation Eu initiative that has radically changed the European paradigm, moving from the logic of rigor to that of investments for growth: an opportunity that our country cannot afford to miss. It is no coincidence that the 24-page dossier attached as a tribute to Tomorrow’s Messenger bears the title “Recovery Fund – Ultimo Treno”. This dramatization should serve to remind, especially the men in government, that Italy is unlikely to have another such important opportunity to return Italy to the place it deserves in the international forum. With the awareness that mistakes will cost us dearly not only us, but also and especially our children.
The first webinar of “Obliged to Grow” -which by necessity has abandoned the traditional format- is dedicated to the restart of works, projects and the conditions necessary to achieve them through the use of European funds. 9.30 am through the Zoom platform.
The webinar will be broadcast live in all the Caltagirone Editore Group online newspapersnamely, ilmessaggero.it, ilgazzettino.it, ilmattino.it corriereadriatico.it and Giornaledipuglia.it. Naturally, the event will have a major role in the paper editions on Friday. And here is the name of the participants in order of intervention: Vittorio Colao, chairman of the government-appointed Task Force, Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni, Carlo Cottarelli, director of the CPI Observatory, Matteo del Fante, CEO of Poste Italiane, Luigi Gubitosi, CEO of Tim. Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for the Economy, will close the morning of the meeting. Maria Latella and Osvaldo De Paolini will direct the work.
Last update: September 17 at 09:07