woman struck on the head by lightning


A 43-year-old woman died today, Sunday, September 6, in a garden not far from Piazza Belvedere in Tirrenia, fraction of Pisa. The victim was hit on the head by one grass: the impact left no way out. The accident occurs in the area adjacent to the entrance to the Imperial Bath, a clearing bordered by a hedge not intended for the public, although it is not difficult to access it by passing the plants. The victim is from the province of TorinoHe had been in Florence for a few days on vacation.

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According to the first reconstruction, the victim, shortly after 12 noon, had adhered to one of the masonry structures present so that his partner could take a photo of him. Once he hung up with both hands, he collapsed. The material of concreteDuring the collapse, he hit her on the head and neck. Unfortunately, the 118 emergency services were useless: upon arrival the woman was already dead, who died immediately after the accident. The Carabinieri operate on the ground to conduct investigations.
