woman falls into the void, it’s serious


Fear for a woman in Novate Milanese, Saturday morning around 10.30. As reported by firefighters and rescuers from the regional emergency emergency agency, the woman fell about eight feet due to the collapse of a fence.

The accident occurred on the Baranzate road, on 67th Street. According to the indications of the firefighters, already committed to numerous security measures due to the damage caused by bad weather, the woman had fallen into the garages of an apartment building.

Medical personnel rescued her on the spot and transferred her to the Niguarda hospital in Milan in code yellow. She would have suffered several major fractures and bruises, but it would not be life threatening.

The former in the center of Milan

In January 2020, a similar episode took place in the center of Milan, in via Gioia. In that case, the grille had been tampered with by a man and the woman’s incident was recorded by images from a building’s video surveillance system.

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