About 90 people were identified yesterday, Saturday, October 10, in Rome, during the demonstrations that, for various reasons, opposed the health dictatorship that the government would have imposed to fight Covid. The fines will range between 400 and 1,000 euros, according to the new provisions decided by the executive last week. In the event of further breaches of the regulations, the judicial authority will be informed. This follows the article with which Alessandro Trocino, in the Corriere, gave an account of the demonstrations on Sunday; here the comment of Beppe Severgnini.
There is an old man with cannulas in his nose and a portable oxygen cylinder pushing an officer.
There is a young man who shouts: Dead of Covid? Where I am? I want the directions, names are not enough for me. And if there are you killed them by intubating them. If I get sick, I have given orders not to take me to the hospital: I want to die as a man.
A woman unknowingly evokes Bibbiano: whoever built this pandemic wants to take our children. The organizers of the liberation march accuse the mainstream press of labeling them as deniers, without masks, fasces-sovereigns. From the stage they invite us to put on masks and break our balls, but in St. John’s wort almost all are without and are proud of it, don’t worry about the 36,000 dead or don’t believe it, because just an invention to create a health dictatorship and patience if this is the next group.
There is an ideological fury that scares in these rebels (only 2,000) and in that young man who defies an agent, refuses to hand over his documents and almost forces the police to drag him away. Scream help me, while dozens of possessed shout fools, sold, taking us all and breathe their rage on the defenseless faces of the police, covered by thin surgical masks.
Inside this magma there is everything, there are the fascists of Forza Nuova, sovereignists, naturopaths, followers of the Di Bella method, no mask, no 5G, no vax, no euro, no cash. There are the enemies of the multinationals, of Soros, of the scoundrel Mario Monti of the Trilateral, of neoliberalism, of liberalizations, there are the friends of the orange vests, of Julian Assange, of Giulietto Chiesa. There’s the troubled philosopher Diego Fusaro and General Monicelliano Antonio Pappalardo. There is Fulvio Grimaldi, who in Rai did the services with the sausage dog Nando and now warns that a cynical and fierce dictatorship is coming, worse than in the past because he uses techno-psychological means.
Among the followers (not present) is a piece from the 5-star family album and many will ring their ears: Enrico Montesano, partner of Paola Taverna in the Night of honesty; Rosita Celentano, former host of Italy in 5 stars; former parliamentarian Sara cunial; Tiziana Alterio, Candidate for M5S in the 2019 European Championship; Diego Fusaro, habit of the blog of Grillo; the jurist Paolo maddalena, already a candidate for the Quirinale; Marione, already a cartoonist for Virginia Raggi, Italexit Gianluigi Paragone.
Lots of hard feelings and conspiracies, cleverly exploited by aspiring parties like the Italian sovereign front. They summon Sandro Pertini and call for resistance in a liberation committee and to occupy Parliament. It is not known whether to take them seriously by keeping a safe distance and trying to understand the reasons for this allergy to rationality, this eternal tendency to challenge single thought, on behalf of a magical and primitive sovereignty that for now mainly folklore, who knows later.
October 11, 2020 (change October 11, 2020 | 17:45)