without breaking the M5 – Libero Quotidiano


The end of the M5, as expected, is also consummated in the Senate: green light to majority resolution on the Month, approved by 156 yes, 129 no and 4 abstentions. There is no break in that ransom fund that the Grillini, for years, have sworn (in fact, perjured) never, ever want to accept. Yes per month, Giuseppe Conte overcomes this pitfall as well (although now you will have to deal with Matteo renzi, ready to break into the Recovery Plan management working group). The vote came around 9pm, after the resolution on the ESM was also passed in the House with 297 votes on the same day. Even in Montecitorio the grillini does not break, which they also fulfill this promise. A political election, an election in the name of the armchair that, seen up close, looks like a kind of grilled funeral, a kind of last political act. For the record, a total of 11 M5 dissidents were registered in the Senate: 2 against and 9 absent. Figures also important, but they do not save face (and party) with the five stars.
