With the vaccine, a license to move both in Italy and abroad. According to what is contained in the Strategic Plan for vaccination against Covid, which the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza will present in Parliament on Wednesday, December 2, a license will soon arrive that will give us the opportunity to move from one region to another and from one region to another. been to another. ‘other.
Who will get the first doses of the vaccine
The idea of Palazzo Chigi is to be able to vaccinate as many people as possible in the shortest time possible, starting next January. It should start initially with the Pfizer vaccine, 3.4 million doses for 1.7 million people, which will arrive in packages of 975 doses distributed in 300 hospitals and Rsa.
These doses of vaccine need very low temperatures so as not to run the risk of deterioration, we are talking about -75 / -80 degrees. However, the Regions have ensured that they have the appropriate technology to store the drug. Keep in mind that it can stay up to 5 days at a higher temperature, around +4, without problems. Different regions have their own pharmaceutical warehouses.
The Plan foresees to begin with the vaccination of the workers of the health system and the personnel of the nursing homes. Immediately afterwards, it will be the turn of the older subjects, that is, those older than 80. Then we will go to the group of more than 75, to the group of more than 70 and so on until the shortest. Naturally, these people will also be joined by the youngest, however, affected by major illnesses and therefore considered fragile and at risk. As for the vaccines within hospitals, they will be made by the doctors who are already taking care of the administration of the influenza vaccines. However, the biggest problem concerns vaccines manufactured outside of hospitals.
The license to move
However, tracking or registering vaccinated people will be very important.
All vaccinated subjects must be included in a registry Specific, a database that will be useful in the first place for AIFA, the drug agency, which will be able to monitor any side effects. Secondly, it will be useful for the purposes of issuing the vaccination license that may be necessary in case of travel, both in Italy and abroad. In this sense, a few weeks after vaccination, serological tests will be carried out to know if the administered vaccine has had the desired effect, that is, the production of antibodies against Covid. Otherwise, the vaccination will have to be repeated, probably with a different product.