without a pad you cannot re-enter. The document


What to do if you get sick in class. The guidelines are defined by a circular from the Ministry of Health. In particular, the indications refer to four scenarios, which are combined to define a “suspected case”, also based on the assessment of the treating physician. a) case in which a pupil has an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with COVID-19, in the school environment; b) if a student has an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with COVID-19, at home; c) the case in which a school worker has an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with COVID-19, in the school environment; d) in the event that a school worker presents an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with COVID-19, at home.

In the presence of suspicious symptoms, pediatrician free choice (Pls) or the doctor of general medicine (Mmg), promptly requests the diagnostic test and communicates it to the Prevention Department (DdP), or to the department in charge based on the regional organization. The DdP, or the service in charge based on the regional organization, performs the diagnostic test. If the case is confirmed, the DdP takes measures to deepen the epidemiological investigation and subsequent procedures. It is emphasized that school workers and students have a priority in conducting diagnostic tests.


Student / school worker positive for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test
If the test is positive, the case is notified to the DdP, which begins the search for contacts and indicates the extraordinary actions to clean up the school structure in its interested party, in accordance with the provisions of the previous document containing ‘Operational indications SARS-CoV-2 case management and outbreaks in schools and early childhood education services’. To return to the community it will be necessary to wait for the cure according to the current criteria. Currently, scientific indications foresee the performance of two swabs (molecular biology tests) at a distance of 24 hours from each other with a simultaneous double negative, which can lead to the conclusion of isolation and insertion into the community. The student / school worker will return to school with proof of make-up and authorization to enter or return to the community.

Student / School Worker Negative for SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Test
If the diagnostic test is negative, in a patient suspected of being infected by SARS-CoV-2, according to their precise medical evaluation, the pediatrician or the treating physician, evaluates the most appropriate clinical-diagnostic route (possible repetition of the test) and in any case the opportunities to enter school. In the event of a diagnosis of a disease other than COVID-19, the person will remain at home until clinical recovery following the instructions of the PLS / GP.

Student or school worker living in an established case
It is emphasized that if a student or a school worker lives with a case, it will be considered close contact and will be quarantined after the evaluation of the Prevention Department. Any close contacts (for example, classmates of the quarantined student) do not require quarantine, unless the Prevention Department conducts further evaluations after positive diagnostic tests on the close contact of a case.

Certificate of authorization to enter or return to the community after an absence due to illness
In the case of a diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 with a positive result, the PLS GP, after having taken care of the patient and having prepared the correct diagnostic / therapeutic path, is prepared, after confirmation of cure, with the execution of two swabs 24 hours apart, one from the other with a negative result, “Certificate of authorization to enter or return to the community.” In case of pathologies other than COVID-19, with a negative swab, the subject will remain at home until clinical recovery following the indications of the PLS / GP who will write a certificate that the student / school operator can return to school for having followed the way. COVID-19 diagnostic and prevention therapy, as required by national and regional documents. Without prejudice to the provisions of the specific regulations referred to in the decree of the Minister of Health of December 15, 1990, published in Official Gazette no. 6 of January 8, 1991.

Last updated: 16:02

