Without a mask in Rome, Nonna Maura is chained to the Quirinal: “I have to talk to Mattarella”


Nonna Maura, the lady of Genoa who on August 15 began her march between the cities of Italy with the aim of launching her own appeal to the institutions to sign the disavowal of the Dpcm regarding the anti-Covid measures and the manifesto For the protection of the children, he was chained in front of the Quirinale immediately after the demonstration in Rome of the Popolo delle Mamme together with the no vax and without a mask.

It is one of the images of the event that took place in Piazza della Bocca della Verità on Saturday, September 5 (here the video).

“We are here to speak with President Mattarella, I am in chains because I believe that at this point it is the only way to have visibility and have explanations. They tell us that Mattarella is not here and that we cannot stay here. But I do not move, they have to do what”. take me by force, “Nonna Maura explained to Adnkronos.

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“I just want to talk to him – he added – since the requests we made have always been ignored. That we asked “The repeal of the Azzolina and Lorenzin laws because we do not feel one iota calm about the condition in which our children and grandchildren will go to school. It is an extreme attempt to achieve something. We will separate shortly ”, he concluded. the Lady. The woman, meanwhile, was taken away accompanied by the police.
