When yesterday came to Unity Day at the Parco Nord in Bologna he immediately began to put on a show with his premieres; However, the real sentence of the secretary of Pd Nicola Zingaretti went a little further, when he explained that if during the Coronavirus emergency there had been a center-right government, the consequence could have been to have mass graves. on the Italian beaches. A quotation mark, the one reported by “La Stampa”, which caused an uproar for the president of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni.
The petty irony of Gypsies it starts off by recommending everyone to keep their distance, just for the fact that “if we are too close, Salvini publishes the photoThe first mandatory questions are about the referendum and about the position taken by your party: it seems immediately clear that the “do ut des” built with CinqueStelle it is based on the acceptance by the latter of the reform of the electoral law in exchange for supporting “Yes” in the referendum next September. Di Maio’s opening in this regard is a clear sign: “What he says confirms that we must continue to fight to open a reform process.” But it’s all part of an exchange of favors, after all“the cut of the parliamentarians is part of the government agreement”Zingaretti admits.
What makes you smile the most (in a decidedly bitter way) is that the Democratic Party secretary now accuses Europe of having minimized about the Covid problem, without remembering his now famous aperitif at Milan’s Navigli, when he and his group had not realized the real scale of the problem.“At first, Europe did not think that Covid was a big problem. It believed that it was an Italian problem. We were the ones who convinced Brussels.”, the president of the Lazio region congratulates himself.If today we receive more than 200,000 million Recovery Funds, it is because we are in negotiations. If we had had Salvini and Meloni in government, who attack Europe every day and who have the denial attitudes of their Bolsonaro friends about the virus. and Orban, where would we be today? “. And here comes the embarrassing shot: “With the common pits on the beaches? “.
It goes without saying that the words reported by “The impression” They have caused a real uproar in the political world.“I was shocked when I read the words of Nicola Zingaretti reported today by the newspaper ‘La Stampa’ and that the secretary of the Democratic Party would have spoken yesterday at the Festa dell’Unità in Bologna”says an angry Giorgia Meloni.“According to Zingaretti ‘if we had had the government of Salvini and Meloni, who attack Europe every day and who have attitudes about the virus deniers of his friends Bolsonaro and Orban, where would we be today? With mass graves on the beaches? We are talking about statements quoted and that so far no one has denied. “recalls the president of the Brothers of Italy.
“One of the two: o Zingaretti actually spoke these words and this would be of unprecedented gravity; or if you haven’t said them but don’t deny them, then it means that you share them and your silence counts as assent. What would be equally ignoble and betrays the idea that these heirs of Tito and the communist culture have political opponents, to whom he associates the terms ‘mass graves’. I am disgusted by this left, which preaches respect but spreads hatred and insults without restraint to those who think differently“sinks again Giorgia Meloni, who then adds a note to remember the attitude of the Pd’s secretary in unsuspecting times. “And to say that when you, dear Zingaretti, took Covid with you thanks to your attitudes -yes- denialists, model ‘we are doing nonsense with spritz because the only virus is racism’, we sincerely wish you a speedy recovery, instead of to say that you were looking for it, as surely you would have done with us ”.
In the afternoon, the leader of the Brothers of Italy increased the dose: “Gypsies, but it takes a pretty face to tell us that we are the deniers, because when we asked to quarantine those who returned from China, you were embracing the Chinese! and you said the only virus was racism! And you were cheating to have your aperitif in Milan! But how dare you, we have never denied anything …. “. And in Lecce, during an electoral rally, he exclaimed: “We do not accept accusations of responsibility that we do not have.”