the referendum on cutting parliamentarians it should lead to a reduction of 345 seats, of which 115 in the Senate and 230 in the House.
One of the main reasons is from those who proposed the constitutional reform, in the first place the 5 star movement, that those who declare in favor of the question of September 20 and 21, is that the State will save on the costs of the policy.
me higher costs of parliament however, they will remain unchanged, since they are not related to the number of politicians.

Parliamentarians cut, higher costs remain
In fact, several analysts have reduced the figure of the pentastellati, arguing that their view is too optimistic. For this reason Luigi di maioChancellor and former political head of the Movement, has promised that the next step will be the pay cuts for parliamentarians.
In fact, according to a study from the University of Siena, the deputies and senators of our country are the highest paid compared to the main European democracies, including Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Spain.
However, the total cost of the room is only 989 million euros, of which “only” 60.4 they are destined to the deputies between reimbursements and salaries.
All honorable can trust 10,435 euros of gross monthly salary, to which are added 3,503 euros daily allowance also for residents of Rome, 1,110 euros use the taxi and a okay allowing you to move free on the highway, train, plane and ferry.
To this amount we must also add 3,690 euros for its collaborators, also called bag holder, of which only half must be documented by parliamentarians.
Parliament staff costs
Not only the elected representatives, but also the cost of Montecitorio’s staff is the highest compared to the rest of the lower houses of Europe, reaching a total 747 million euros, while the rest 242 million they are used for management expenses, international missions and other services.
With the cut provided by the referendum, therefore, it will be possible to reduce only a small percentage of the costs of the policy.
Annuities cost more than current MPs
This is because MEPs and staff cost more retired than the asset.
Looking at the 2019 budget, it can be seen as always in regards to the House, former MPs and employees, of which many perceive a annuity or a pension based on salary, cost respectively 130 and 276 million euros.
While those elected to Montecitorio and the staff present today cost the citizens 130 and 210 million euros.
It can be seen that, even in the case of a regulation that subsequently reduces the salaries of parliamentarians in office, the expenditure will continue to be reduced with respect to the so-called “acquired rights”.