“People matter. But because of what they do and because of the direction they take.” Arturo Parisi expresses it this way when asked how he values the possible arrival, or rather the return, of Enrico Letta. Also because it is not clear whether at the center of the next assembly, he tells Adnkronos, is “the simple replacement of one person by another or the change of political line.”
Professor Parisi, the possibility of Enrico Letta’s secretary seems to lurk. What you think? “To tell the truth, I have not yet understood whether at the center of the next Assembly is, as I read, the election of Letta or the resignation of Zingaretti. The simple substitution of one person for another or the change of political line. It’s a small detail, that’s where the answer about the future of the Democratic Party comes from.
“People matter. But because of what they do and because of the direction they take. You can’t reduce everything to an organization chart. To move one from one box to another. To political tactics aimed at career strategies. Or, better, unfortunately, Unfortunately. It can. But it shouldn’t. The history of the Democratic Party, which represents itself as the Party par excellence, takes too long. Both when personalization – this is the key word – is animated by foxes and lions in positions of head, both when it is fed by the leaders of the intermediate groups. With the next one in little more than 13 years the secretaries would be 10 and 11 changes at the helm ”.
You say it’s been like this for a long time? Let’s say, from the beginning. I would not like a repeat of the situation in 2009 when, after just over a year, Veltroni left the Party leadership without being able to discuss why in the Assembly. With the result that we are still here to question what exactly that majority vocation consisted of, a constitutive feature of the newly founded party, which Veltroni then took away throwing in the towel ”.
“I remember it – emphasizes Parisi – because it was certainly not for the illusion of winning, but only for this, to allow and force a public debate, which on that occasion I presented as an alternative to the predestined Franceschini, to succeed him in the secretariat. which the Letta secretariat seems to announce. The inauguration was not sanctioned by a tired unanimous applause, forcing a secret vote. But not even the shadow of a public confrontation on the political line. and that of I follow them in the future. I see them as they were today. In the first row from Rutelli to D’Alema passing through Marini. Mute and annoyed by the waste of time that I imposed on them unnecessarily. This is how the festivities end in the crib already withered. “
And how should it have proceeded? “It should have been and should have been. Rereading first of all what I still find to be the Party Statute on the web. I think of Article 5.4 that seems to regulate the case before us. It is enough to reread is to realize that Before passing the testimony to a new secretary, as it would seem from reading the newspapers, there is enough matter to discuss. In particular: if the resignation of Zingaretti is not a personal resignation, but a political resignation of which Assembly or the National Directorate “Don’t you agree? Therefore, before moving on to the decisions on the succession to your secretariat, you have to listen to the reasons why it ended.”
Zingaretti when announcing his resignation said that he is ashamed of a Democratic Party that talks only about armchairs and not about the country’s problems. What effect did reading those words have on you? “The effect they have had on everyone. The sign of a time in which words have lost if not all their value, without a doubt their thickness. The lament of a person who claims the right to speak like any man, his dedication and his suffering. Out of control. I hope that on Sunday he will go beyond the personal anger denounced by D’Urso and reformulate it to make a contribution to the political confrontation. “
You were among those who, before Zingaretti’s resignation, considered a congress useful. Do you still think we need an early conference? “If we have finished talking about the Congress, it is because of the challenge launched by Bettini that Zingaretti’s silence-assent has been posing on stage for too long as its spokesperson and strategist. He says that the theme is one more violation of the rules. Let’s say an intelligent Within the collective action perhaps of the most serious type: that of respecting the spoken word before that date.
“It would be enough and it would be enough to make the organs work rigorously, finally abandoning the vice of unanimity based on light decisions taken, as I have rightly heard from the members of the Secretariat, with the agreement of all.”