With distance education becoming more and more a chimera for teachers?



Over the years, the school has undergone numerous metamorphoses, from how to teach to how to convey information among school personnel. The famous registry of circulars and communications, placed in the teachers room, is now a forgetful memory of the past, to replace it was the arrival of the smartphone and related applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

Quick information reaches everyone at any time of the day, without time limits.

Infinite and many are the groups created in WhatsApp, almost to support all the functional activities of the teachers and finally, in some cases, the official channel (usually Telegram) of the Rector and his staff through which the “circulars, communications and various initiatives “

Such a scenario can only cause chaos between the different chats, with information that follows one another and that some teachers lose along the way due to too many interventions that often move away from what gave rise to the debate.

So it happens that instant messaging is associated with the loss of freedom, since one is always online and there are no holidays or hours of the night or day that can put an end to this incessant tam tam of incoming notifications.

However, there is the right to disconnect.

What is the right to disconnect?

The National Collective Labor Agreement “Education and Research” 2016-2018 of April 19, 2018, in article 22 paragraph 4 c8, establishes the following: “” They are subject to complementary negotiation: the general criteria for the use of technological equipment for work at different times of the service, to achieve a better reconciliation between work and family life (right to disconnection) ”.

Then the question moves on to the supplementary negotiation, but the following points are established:

The worker should not be connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We are not responsible for network failure that creates inconvenience especially when teachers have to use the electronic record and are forced to continue working from home.

It is the negotiation of the school that defines certain rules and protected time slots in which the staff must be available.

Comprehensive digital education and the right to disconnect

Unfortunately, comprehensive digital teaching has further exacerbated the problem that arises from being always connected, since the suspension of teaching activities in the presence has made it essential to use platforms to continue holding students’ hands and not losing them.
The screen of the PC or tablet and the smartphone have become for teachers, traveling companions in this adventure that has all the flavor of a science fiction movie and therefore the hours spent on the network and communications via WhatsApp have increased o Telegram considerably and the right to disconnect more and more a chimera.

