With blocking, RT was cut in half and dropped to 1.25


Good news is coming from and to Milan. Since the blockade was established thanks to the implementation of the red zone in Lombardy, established by the last Dpcm, the Rt contagion index “has been reduced by almost half”. The news was given by the general director of the Milan Ats, Walter Bergamaschi, in connection with SkyTg24. Bergamaschi stressed that “with the blockade,” RT “gets smaller every day.” Today, for example, the managing director of Ats Milano said, “It is around 1.25”.

Practical result that reassures the Milanese

Bergamaschi’s announcement comes after a period in which citizens have respected the indications of the new Dpcm of the Conte government that has introduced a new red zone, and therefore a confinement, in Lombardy. Only on October 22, the head of Epidemiology at Ats, Giampiero Russo, had pointed out that the curfew in Milan was not enough. At that time, the Rt contagion index was 2.35: a figure equal to that of Lodi at the worst moment of the first wave of Coronavirus last March. This is the main reason that led the institutions to implement a new blockade in the red areas. Now it is giving the first results, according to the CEO of Ats Milano.

What is Rt

The contagion index R with t (called Rt for short) is a parameter used by health institutions to establish the potential transmissibility of an infectious disease in a given period of time. In this case, Covid-19. The Rt value, which is monitored weekly by the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health, identifies the average number of people that can be infected by just one other person. For example, with the current Rt of Milan (1.25), on average, a person can potentially infect 1.25. Previously, when the value was 2.35, a person could infect more than two people on average, but fewer than three. The risk threshold of the Rt value is equal to 1.
