with 6.91 and beats mother Fiona May- Corriere.it


Larissa Iapichino, long-term record: jumps 6.91 and beats mom Fiona May

Jump what happens to you, Larissa Iapichino combined another of his own. In Ancona, in the absolute indoor championship, jumps a sensational 6.91 in the long run and equals the Italian indoor record of his mother Fiona May, obtained in 1998 in Valencia. The Fiamme Gialle jumper, at 18 years old, is not satisfied: He also appropriates the Under 20 world record that belonged to the German legendary Heike Drechsler with 6.88, a measure that dates back to 1983. Thirty-eight years ago..
Larissa’s longest jump in the world this season and it’s worth it as qualifying standard for the Tokyo Games next July.

Larissa May better than mom Fiona: when kids do more than parents
Larissa Iapichino and Mom Fiona May

Grown in body, physique and soul, Larissa continues her unstoppable progression. Unrecognizable compared to February 6, when you blow our minds by jumping to 6.75 indoor in the promising junior championship, also in Ancona. Two weeks later, Larissa another athlete: the jump to the lucky hole of the city of Marche throws her to absolute levels, among the greats. And the demolition of the passages through which Fiona May, the mother, has become the greatest Italian jumper in the history of our athletics continues.

I’m very excited, it all came together, actually I still feel like a cub among the lionesses – said the baby champion after the feat -. At first it was a bit flat, but I found the necessary energy on the platform, jump after jump. Then the incredible came and now I’m in seventh heaven. But the story is only at the beginning.

February 20, 2021 (change February 20, 2021 | 18:52)

